Hi Tom,
The list strips attachments so I didn't get anything but I'll be happy to
take a look if you send them direct. You may also want to try
ask.libreoffice.org where there are sure to be more expert people than me
On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 6:46 PM, Tom Christensen
> Simon,
Sorry it couldn't do the conversion. I do hope that your PC Geek will solve
this mystery! Fingers crossed for you!
Have a wonderful week!
The best job goes to the person who can get it done without passing the buck or
coming back with excuses. ~~ Napoleon Hill
Boo! I downloaded the full version, free for 30 days. It couldn’t do the
My PC geek is taking over and thinks he may have a solution. Pray. :)
Be well – Tom C.
Tom C.
Communication That Grows The Heart/Brain
Commission Artist – Oil Paintings, Writer/Edito
Sorry but I haven't had any experience with .lwp files. I did a search and
those were just a few hits that I received. You may wish to do a search for
"how to convert a .lwp in Win8". I found many different links for this issue.
Sorry I can't assist any further but will read all of
I had found that oo forum piece earlier and couldn't make it work.
I believe FoxItReader will be useful once I have the .lwp converted to PDF's.
If you think it might help convert the .lwp to .pdfplease advise.
I downloaded LibreOffice and opened several files, like the
I downloaded LibreOffice and opened several files, like the ones attached. All
I got were dingbats. I doubt you have the time for this, but I did attach
three of the files in case you did have a quick way to open themand then
send me directions.
Thank you for your attention
At 10:40 16/11/2015 -0600, Tom Christensen wrote:
I have to convert about 3 doz small x.lwp files. I thought OO would
do this. It appears not. Is there any way anyone knows to convert a
.lwp file to something useable in OO or MS? I use WIN 8.
There is reputedly a viewer for such files ("Keyvie
Hello Tom,
I found this article in the OO forum, yes, it's from 2011 but might be helpful.
Simon is correct, with LibreOffice you can open .lwp files. I also found
information where you can convert .lwp to PDF files. I use Fo
I believe LibreOffice has support for importing LWP files.
On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Tom Christensen
> Folks, I have to convert about 3 doz small x.lwp files. I thought OO
> would
> do this. It appears not. Is there any way anyone knows to convert a .lwp
> file to something
Folks, I have to convert about 3 doz small x.lwp files. I thought OO would
do this. It appears not. Is there any way anyone knows to convert a .lwp
file to something useable in OO or MS? I use WIN 8.
Thanks - Tom C.
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