Re: converting x.lwp files

2015-11-16 Thread Simon Phipps
Hi Tom, The list strips attachments so I didn't get anything but I'll be happy to take a look if you send them direct. You may also want to try where there are sure to be more expert people than me around! S. On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 6:46 PM, Tom Christensen wrote: > Simon,

Re: converting x.lwp files

2015-11-16 Thread Elaine
Tom, Sorry it couldn't do the conversion. I do hope that your PC Geek will solve this mystery! Fingers crossed for you! Have a wonderful week! Elaine The best job goes to the person who can get it done without passing the buck or coming back with excuses. ~~ Napoleon Hill -Origi

RE: converting x.lwp files

2015-11-16 Thread Tom Christensen
Elaine, Boo! I downloaded the full version, free for 30 days. It couldn’t do the conversion. My PC geek is taking over and thinks he may have a solution. Pray. :) Be well – Tom C. Tom C. Communication That Grows The Heart/Brain Commission Artist – Oil Paintings, Writer/Edito

Re: converting x.lwp files

2015-11-16 Thread Elaine
Tom, Sorry but I haven't had any experience with .lwp files. I did a search and those were just a few hits that I received. You may wish to do a search for "how to convert a .lwp in Win8". I found many different links for this issue. Sorry I can't assist any further but will read all of

RE: converting x.lwp files

2015-11-16 Thread Tom Christensen
Elaine, I had found that oo forum piece earlier and couldn't make it work. I believe FoxItReader will be useful once I have the .lwp converted to PDF's. If you think it might help convert the .lwp to .pdfplease advise. I downloaded LibreOffice and opened several files, like the

RE: converting x.lwp files

2015-11-16 Thread Tom Christensen
Simon, I downloaded LibreOffice and opened several files, like the ones attached. All I got were dingbats. I doubt you have the time for this, but I did attach three of the files in case you did have a quick way to open themand then send me directions. Thank you for your attention

Re: converting x.lwp files

2015-11-16 Thread Brian Barker
At 10:40 16/11/2015 -0600, Tom Christensen wrote: I have to convert about 3 doz small x.lwp files. I thought OO would do this. It appears not. Is there any way anyone knows to convert a .lwp file to something useable in OO or MS? I use WIN 8. There is reputedly a viewer for such files ("Keyvie

Re: converting x.lwp files

2015-11-16 Thread Elaine
Hello Tom, I found this article in the OO forum, yes, it's from 2011 but might be helpful. Simon is correct, with LibreOffice you can open .lwp files. I also found information where you can convert .lwp to PDF files. I use Fo

Re: converting x.lwp files

2015-11-16 Thread Simon Phipps
I believe LibreOffice has support for importing LWP files. S. On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Tom Christensen wrote: > Folks, I have to convert about 3 doz small x.lwp files. I thought OO > would > do this. It appears not. Is there any way anyone knows to convert a .lwp > file to something

converting x.lwp files

2015-11-16 Thread Tom Christensen
Folks, I have to convert about 3 doz small x.lwp files. I thought OO would do this. It appears not. Is there any way anyone knows to convert a .lwp file to something useable in OO or MS? I use WIN 8. Thanks - Tom C.