In-Reply-To=%3C1316159218.4092.22.camel%40gibi.hackerstr.local%3E Hi, There is
upstream availability of a new release version 1.4.6 of davfs2. I’ve filed a
bug report already. Unfortunately, I can’t tell what concrete fixes are
included. Could y
I quick usage of one of my favorite search engines with both key words
"broadcom4312" and "fedora" showed up easily the following link that describes
a way with only 3 steps to get it to work for Fedora 11. Since the howto was
written for F11, I don't kn
You could also ask at the spins mailing list.
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> Adobe now has full 64-bit Flash support, including a 64-bit repo.
Lightspark is available since ages and it's open source.
The new upstream version can also handle youtube again.
It handles AVM2 and falls back to Gnash otherwise.
So, I don't see any needs for Adobe closed source binaries any
> It depends on ffmpeg which has patent encumbered codecs. Flash files
> tend to use MP3 for audio and unless the player can use gstreamer
> instead of ffmpeg (which is the case for Gnash), it can't be in
> Fedora.
As far as I can see, the packages in RPM Fusion are outdated and still
> Uncheck "Use Easy Install" when
> creating a F16 VM with VMWare Fusion. Anaconda will segfault very
> early in the setup process.
First, VMWare is closed source and therefore not supported by a
distribution that claims to be completly open and free.
Though, you should try to report that as a b
Besides all the prior answers, I could suggest tu use Splix. I used it
with several distribution including Fedora and it works great with my
Samsung ML-1640.
AFAIK Ubuntu ships Splix per default, so I assume that it is used for
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