Sam Sharpe wrote:
> You would need to get that software directly from MySQL - it is not in
> the Fedora repositories.
MySQL provide the RPMs for Fedora 12. Remi also provides RPMs for other
versions, if you're interested:
On 09/01/2011 02:36 AM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> I am missing a font (for a while) but I can not figure out what it is.
> Basically, I get something like this on my help pages when using R.:
>1 lmpackage:statsR
>1 n 2
On 09/01/2011 03:20 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Sep 2011 05:13:35 -0500 Paul Flo Williams
>> The font issue (seeing<80><98>lm<80><99>) is actually an encoding
>> issue in the man page you're looking at. It appears that the document
On 09/01/2011 05:00 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Sep 2011 10:19:23 -0500 Paul Flo Williams
>> What locale are you using?
> I am sorry that I am a little lost here, but how do I figure this out?
> Or change the locale, if needed?
What is displayed when you ty
Aaron Konstam wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-09-08 at 22:19 +0100, Paul Smith wrote:
>> I am trying to rebuild a rpm from its src.rpm, but getting the following
>> error:
>> $ rpmbuild --clean --rebuild myp-devel-0.14-0.src.rpm
>> Installing myp-devel-0.14-0.src.rpm
>> error: File /home/paulus/rpm/SO
Israel Lopes dos Santos wrote:
> I've installed Fedora 14 on my laptop and notice that the fonts are not
> smooth like my other Ubuntu installation.
The screenshots show that you have got sub-pixel anti-aliasing enabled
on Ubuntu, but only greyscale anti-aliasing on Fedora. Sub-pixel
Christopher Svanefalk wrote:
> On 05/06/2011 08:56 AM, Paul Flo Williams wrote:
>> The screenshots show that you have got sub-pixel anti-aliasing enabled
>> on Ubuntu, but only greyscale anti-aliasing on Fedora. Sub-pixel
>> anti-aliasing is the appropriate choice for an
JD wrote:
> The roots it produced turned out to have a long list of deps.
> One them was zoneminder.i686
> So, I ran
> rpm -qR zoneminder
> /bin/sh
> So, how could zoneminder package be a root package?
You're just listed the things on which zoneminder depends (-qR). You
haven't sho