running on a Fedora 13 system right now
but started life on a Fedora 7.
Harish Pillay gpg id: 746809E3
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Srini -
> We have installed Fedora Linux 8.0 on our server and we have a web based
> application running on DB MySql. The server hangs very frequently(atleast
> once a day). All operations come to stand still including the keyboard and
> mouse etc.. We need to hard boot the system again to make th
> My main Linux box has suffered a motherboard failure. I am contemplating
> just moving the HDD to the XP machine and setting up dual boot. If this
> isn't satisfactory, then it's a new motherboard. I could boot by selecting
> the desired disk using BIOS. Is it possible have GRUB select the OS
> I used to get libdvdcss from Livna, but I am
> unable to get livna repo to work manually or
> downloaded. I thought RMPFusion was supposed
> to have livna's repository in its own repository
> and this package does not exist?
RPMFusion has everything *except* for libdvdcss.
> Any suggestions?
> well can anyone help me?
> I have a laptop, Asus Z92U.
> I have it conected with an external monitor, now both have the same
> information, the LCD by laptop and the external LCD (clone).
> But in the past and with Ubuntu, i put it work, both, with diferente
> information, like a large desk
> Second: I fully understand why OpenOffice was dropped in favour of
> LibreOffice. I will (probably) change in the future. However, at work we
> use OpenOffice, and I would like to learn Gnome3 first, before battling
> with a new office suite - and possible compatibility issues.
> I installed F15
> Is there any PDF modifier for linux?
You might want to explore Xournal as well.
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> I want to use my 3G modem in F12. the manufacturer gives automatic
> intallation software for mac and win only.
> I checked on internet, I found there is a way to do that using "wvdial". But
> I cannot find it. Does this command have another name in fedora?
What model 3G modem are you using?
Adil -
> I'll answer your questions:
> I want use F12 because i want to use a software (NCTUns) that was tested only
> in F12.
> The model of modem is "HDM EC122".
> The problem now is that even yum does not work properly. Does it nead an
> internet connection to work properly?
> because onc
>> I'll answer your questions:
>> I want use F12 because i want to use a software (NCTUns) that was tested
>> only in F12.
>> The model of modem is "HDM EC122".
>> The problem now is that even yum does not work properly. Does it nead an
>> internet connection to work properly?
>> because on
> I am new here! Hello everybody! Can any one say how to boot
> from Fedora 10 DVD ? Because it has no EFI folder in dvd. I have
> downloaded fedora 10 i386 dvd iso (32bit) several times from different
> locations but no iso has that EFI folder. Where to get that ? How can
> I boot from fedo
ECURITY extension controls.
and the -C is for compression.
Once you have logged in, you can then spawn GUI applications on
remotemachine and have the display show up on local machine.
There could be latency issues, and for that you might want to
investigate the SPICE protocol (available in F14) o
bugger if you break on the gdk_x_error()
> Thanks for everyone's help. xhost with X11R5 is what I recalled using :-)
No problem. X's network centric architecture is the winner here. I am
hoping that the "new" wayland [0] will also have the same transparency.
n BZ -
The issue is, atleast in my case, a residual file in /tmp that has the following
initial letters: OSL_PIPE followed by a series of numbers. Deleting that file
then allowed for oo.o to start properly.
hope this helps.
Harish Pillay
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 12:29 AM, Kirk Lowery
> On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Harish Pillay
> wrote:
>> William -
>> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 12:15 AM, William Henry wrote:
>> > My OO just doesn't start any more on F14. I have compi
> Look for the camera module with lsmod, and unload it for temporary if
> you have booted.
Just as we have a mute button for the speaker, perhaps we need a video
mute as well. Need to file a RFE for this.
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> I wonder if anyone is using this laptop, and if they could tell
> me if everything works?
> Dell Adamo 13 Core 2 DUO SU9400 4G RAM 128GB SSD
I believe the Dell Vostro V13 [0] is of the same size and scale as the Adamo.
I have the Vostro and it runs Fedora 14 64-bit and all of
> It all started with Puppy Linux 5.2. I setup a LiveCD and jumped in to get
> familiar with it. I had some trouble with connectivity. I eventually got
> around to trying my linksys Wireless-G dongle. This showed some promise
> although I was unable to find the correct Puppy driver for the dong
> Today after auto upgrade my system asked for reboot and after pressing
> reboot button it never came up. Now how to restore the system? Please help
> me out.
> Thank you.
Do you have a live CD? Can you boot from the live cd?
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Dick -
> I have installed Fedora 11 on my Acer 3212 (3210) laptop. I am having
> trouble fully accessing the DVD drive. (Matshita UJ-840). I can mount the
> DVD image but it is returned as blank. However, I am able to boot from the
> drive. I was surprised that I could write to a blank CD but ca
Richard -
> I was on a Toshiba today, Monday, doing a fresh install and could get the
> modem to connect, given that I could see it and many others. Does anyone
> have ideas about what I could attempt to get it to connect?
Are you referring to a traditional analog modem or a 3G USB dongle?
You ca
>> > I was on a Toshiba today, Monday, doing a fresh install and could get
>> > the
>> > modem to connect, given that I could see it and many others. Does anyone
>> > have ideas about what I could attempt to get it to connect?
>> Are you referring to a traditional analog modem or a 3G USB dongle
>> > Traditional modem, I believe it was / is a cable modem.
>> Cable modems are accessed via the Etnernet port. Does the cable modem
>> connect to the cable company?
> It was a friends computer, he was very ready to switch from MS Windows 8.1
> to Linux; I went over, we installed it, and cou
Robert -
On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 8:31 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> I am at the IETF in the 6lo working group meeting listening to a
> presentation on the progress on IP over NFC. The Intenet Draft is
> draft-ietf-6lo-nfc-02.txt
> The testbed for their plugfest tomorrow is an Intel Edison board
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Amit Rp wrote:
> I forgot the root password. Please advise whether there is any possibility
> of retrieving it?
go into single user mode and when you are dropped into the
prompt, you can change the root password.
> On 10/23/2011 05:09 PM, Abu Attar Musharih wrote:
>> The customer service said that ssh is not allowed. So, what to do
>> then? I badly need a server with global IP for experimenting grid
You can do the following:
a) edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the default port 22 to a
higher port
> In fedora 13 I used to use sshfs and it was working fine, but with
> fedora 14, it does not work any more?
> I do not get any complain, but the FS is just not mounted!
> Any idea?
I am running Fedora 16 and I use sshfs to connect to many systems
I do not have a Fedora 14 machine to
On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 11:22 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 12/11/2011 10:58 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> Can Oo import PDFs? Can it merge multiple PDFs into one?
> Yes it can import PDFs as long as you install the PDF Import Extension
> from Oracle.
> I've not tried to merge multiple PDFs.
Bill -
> Dear Harish:
> They are internal SATA drives.
I am assuming your system has something like what is shown in
this [0]. And that there is already a cable connecting the drive to
the board. Then there is nothing else to do except to check within
your BIOS to see if the drive is enabled as
Bill -
> Dear Helpers:
> I have installed two 1 TB Hard Drives in my new system. Only one of the
> two is recognized by Fedora.
Are these internal SATA or externally connected USB drives?
Harish Pillay gpg id: 746809E3
users mailing list
> I'm about to try fedup f18->f19. Any reports good/bad on this
> route?
worked for my systems. I did a "fedup --network 19 -v" and a few
hours later, all's good. Dell laptops all of them.
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Temlakos -
> Does anyone have experience with installing Fedora on a NUC?
Yes, I've have Fedora running on a bunch of NUCs - 4 of them. I started
with F21 and they are all now running F26-beta.
[... deleted ...]
> Word is that it normally ships with Windows 10, but can support any number
> of d
> Signal comes with a dedicated desktop; however, it's Linux incarnation is
> only available for Debian-distributions, no rpm package as yet. Are there
> any plans for one?
If you run Chromium[0], you can then add a Signal as a Chromium App and
you can then have the Signal desktop on your system.
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