On 10/28/2015 03:56 PM, Paolo Galtieri wrote:
Note that on the failing system the selinux context shows the
directory has unlabeled_t context while on the working system it's
colord_var_lib_t. I set this at some point (I think), but I forget
how I did it
Possibly check the root user's shell
On 10/29/2015 12:55 AM, birger wrote:
many routers only do that port forwarding when you actually hit from the
...which is an artifact of the way that NAT works.
Typically, NAT is set up to rewrite the destination in an IPv4 packet.
So, let's say that the router *does* NAT for the
On 10/29/2015 04:58 AM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
Sadly, many routers only do that port forwarding when
you actually hit from the outside.
Why sadly? If my router was doing that I wouldn't have a problem . .
Your router is doing exactly what he described.
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On 10/31/2015 01:53 AM, Stephen Davies wrote:
On 31/10/15 12:32, Stephen Davies wrote:
1. PostgreSQL databases were not upgraded from 9.3 to 9.4 and subsequent
attempts to do this manually fail due to locale differences (AU vs US).
(I have requested help on the PostgreSQL list).
I think you w
On 11/04/2015 01:24 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Does "modprobe -v btrfs" print anything, or does the command fail
Gives no output. "lsmod|grep btrfs" shows nothing.
And "dmesg" after that?
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On 11/05/2015 06:01 AM, Pal, Laszlo wrote:
xorg on vt1 and another on vt3. How can I get rid of this?
I'm not sure what release you're on... On 22 and 23, you'll see Wayland
on tty1 and your session on some higher numbered tty. Take a look at
all of the processes on tty1, you'll probably see
On 11/05/2015 09:28 AM, Pal, Laszlo wrote:
I see. It is still F22, so the reason is Wayland which is not stable
enough for me at this moment, so maybe if I remove wayland stuff it
will disappear.
If you're actually seeing Wayland on tty1, and you remove Wayland,
you'll lose the graphical logi
On 11/17/2015 07:19 PM, Louis Garcia wrote:
I am having trouble setting up PXE for F23. I have configured dnsmasq > for older BIOS pxe and all is working. On newer uefi I get a ip >
assigned and get to the PXE Menu. After that everything quits and >
returns to the bios. Any know how to set this
On 11/18/2015 08:00 PM, Louis Garcia wrote:
my tftpboot looks like tftpboot / images / pxeboot / vmlnuz
/ images / pxeboot /
/ uefi / fedora/grub.cfg
On 11/19/2015 07:38 AM, Angelo Moreschini wrote:
My ask is : what is the correct value of the parameter /dev/sdX in the
command grub2-install
It doesn't matter where Fedora is installed, it only matters which disk
your BIOS finds and boots from. Typically that would be /dev/sda.
You may als
On 11/23/2015 01:54 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
Can anyone explain what has caused this?
The unmodified message, including headers, might be more helpful.
As best I can tell, a mail server for "wildblue.net" tried to deliver a
message for recipient "bobgoodwin@" to an external address. Maybe that
On 11/24/2015 12:42 PM, Dave Mitchell wrote:
how can I get the lines containing non ascii characters?
perl -ne'print if /[^\x00-\x7f]/' infile > outfile
...and if you want to look for ascii control characters (and delete) in
addition to non-ascii, maybe:
perl -ne 'print if /[^\x20-\x7e]/' i
On 11/28/2015 08:02 AM, anlarye wrote:
according to kvirc's website, as of version 2.0 KDE is completely optional.
Generally, information that developers provide about what is optional
apply to the application source code, and not to a compiled binary.
Optional features can be selected when r
On 11/28/2015 10:42 AM, anlarye wrote:
Thank you Gordon.
Glad to help.
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On 11/29/2015 12:25 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
Is it possible to encrypt a /home partition on F23 without losing the
data? If so, what is the recommended method?
Possible, yes. Supported? No.
If you trust the author, you might be able to convert a
On 11/29/2015 04:22 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
I do have backups in place, but I don't really want to have to go
back to them (one of the partitions has 367 GB of data, the other has
100 GB). At the least, it will be disruptive.
Disruption is unavoidable. The tool I described earlier might be ab
On 11/29/2015 04:41 PM, Celso Viana wrote:
How do I solve this problem without having to disable secure boot?
Enroll your own key and sign the modules.
Secure boot requires signatures all along the line: the firmware, the
boot loader, the kernel, and the modules.
On 11/29/2015 05:59 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
Thanks! I was wondering about this some more. Can I not put this tool
luksipc on a LiveCD and then compile and run it from there? Then the
actual disks would be "offline", isn't that correct?
Yes, but you don't really need to do that. You just need
On 11/30/2015 05:07 AM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
Thanks again (to Gordon also)!
I am sorry I do not quite understand what to do here. Is there an example spec
file I can look at for this?
Start here:
but get:
+ cd luksipc-0.04
+ install
On 11/29/2015 01:19 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
I really don't understand why Fedora is still foisting all the
overhead of LVM on everyone, by default.
I would imagine that the simple answer is "consistency."
The slightly longer answer, IMO:
Would you like to make snapshots for consistent bac
On 11/30/2015 03:44 AM, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
This thread is about someone wanting to encrypt an existing
system: LVM makes it possible to do this, without a reboot,
without unmounting.
As far as I'm aware, no it doesn't.
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On 11/30/2015 06:08 AM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
But there is only one filesystem (/dev/sda) and one HDD on these two
> >laptops. Therefore, I am not sure how to do this other than through going in
> >through a LiveCD.
Thanks! But I was talking about encrypting the /home partition which is
On 11/30/2015 11:54 AM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
luksipc.src: W: non-standard-group Applications/Security
What is the correct group to put it into? I made up Applications/Security but
clearly that guess is not right:-)
cryptsetup is in Applications/Sys
On 11/30/2015 12:59 PM, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
On 11/30/2015 08:44 PM, Gordon Messmer wrote:
As far as I'm aware, no it doesn't.
You can encrypt the system without even rebooting.
Connect an external temporary USB disk (dev/sdb).
Create a PV there (big enough for all your
On 11/30/2015 01:06 PM, Gordon Messmer wrote:
You can add a PV to encrypt the system without rebooting.
... should note that you'll have to shrink at least one of your volumes,
though. The encrypted PV that you create will be slightly smaller than
it was, before encryption. As a r
On 11/30/2015 03:50 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Now I want to rename these files, which are all lectures to have the
date of creation/lastmodified in the file name.
Does the date require a specific format?
You could:
mv "$file" "$file-$(stat -c %y "$file")"
Or if you want to define your own
On 11/30/2015 04:49 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
You could:
mv "$file" "$file-$(stat -c %y "$file")"
Not quite as the script:
for i in `seq 20 42`;
file="Voice "0${i}.m4a
mv $file "$file-$(stat -c %y "$file")"
is producing:
mv: target ‘Voice 03
On 11/30/2015 05:05 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
Such as during the grub -> grub2 transition, when a larger spare chunk
of space was needed, after the MBR, to accomodate the larger bootloader.
Yes, but only for systems that had /boot on md RAID1. In the context of
a discussion about "95% of use
On 12/01/2015 03:37 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Not so. If you have LVM you have to*know* you have LVM, otherwise your
disk partition names won't make any sense. Just doing a "df" requires
you to know this and understand what it means.
Why is understanding the device names, as opposed to un
On 12/01/2015 06:43 AM, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
... should note that you'll have to shrink at least one of your volumes,
though. The encrypted PV that you create will be slightly smaller than it was,
before encryption. As a result, there won't be enough extents to move all of
the volumes off a
On 12/01/2015 02:57 AM, Tim wrote:
Do we have file system recovery tools for it, yet? (Assuming that a
problem might occur with LVM, itself, rather than an EXT3 filesystem
within it.)
pvck and vgck. I believe the answer is "yes". vgck is present in tag
v1_00_03, so it's at least 12 years ol
On 11/30/2015 11:11 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
It's one more layer of abstraction to confuse newer users when things
go wrong.
In the context of a conversation where LVM provides a means of
addressing the OP's requirement (encrypting a system after-the-fact),
and where I've outlined numerous concre
On 12/01/2015 04:26 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
I guess my point is that the average Linux admin is going to have a
working knowledge of disk partitioning, whereas LVM is an*additional*
layer of expertise that may pay dividends in certain use cases, but for
most people is just irrelevant.
On 12/02/2015 04:35 AM, Tim wrote:
Actually, that'd be related to one of my issues with LVM, it gives every
install the same default volume names, so plugging a broken PCs drive
into a working PC, to work on it, requires quite a bit of mucking around
to mount the second drive with the same volume
On 12/02/2015 11:42 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
Read what Patrick wrote as referring to the average *professional*
Linux admin and remember that there are many of us out here who only
use Fedora on our home machines.
I did. He made a claim about what "average" admins know, without any
evidence to b
On 12/02/2015 01:50 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
I made a suggestion based on my own perception. Do you do something
No, I don't. That's why I'm not supporting my argument with claims
about what the "average" user knows or wants.
If you have data on the Fedora user community t
On 12/04/2015 07:13 AM, Beartooth wrote:
error: Failed to dlopen /usr/lib64/rpm-plugins/selinux.so /lib64/
librpm.so.7: file too short
It looks like that file (/lib64/librpm.so.7) is damaged. Since all of
the rpm related tools use that library, you'll probably need to extract
it from a simil
On 12/04/2015 08:42 AM, arnaud gaboury wrote:
$ rpmbuild -bp MySpec
the tar package does not download.
rpmbuild doesn't download sources, but IIRC "fedpkg" does.
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On 12/07/2015 02:06 AM, arnaud gaboury wrote:
In fact, I just did this and it build fine:
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
When looking at various spec files from Fedora repo, I can't see such
method.Most spec files contain a very long
On 12/07/2015 01:39 PM, Paolo Galtieri wrote:
I have tried using the various selinux tools to correct the problem
without success.
I created an entry matching yours and verified that I get the same error
when I do something like "semodule -B".
I was able to delete the entry using semanage, t
On 12/05/2015 11:13 AM, Alex Thomas wrote:
Looking at setting up several fedora workstations. Is it better to use
a CM tools to put all the xxx.repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d/ or use
various repo install rpms, ( rpmfusion, playonlinux, etc)
"better" is subjective. I install the "X-release" pa
On 12/09/2015 12:41 AM, Cristian Sava wrote:
I Installed F23 Server with static address but after updating that it
got an automatic one. Why that?
[root@s217 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eno1
[root@s217 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth1
On 12/09/2015 11:36 PM, Cristian Sava wrote:
We are in stable stage so I do not expect NIC name changes without
consistent reason.
I've never noticed it before, but this does look like a bug in Fedora.
On my workstation, for instance, /var/log/anaconda/anaconda.journal.log
Jul 21 2
On 12/15/2015 10:42 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 12/15/2015 09:31 AM, Rick Stevens wrote:
You cannot use fedup to an end-of-life version of the system. Fedora 20
and 21 are both at end-of-life.
Wherever did you get that wrong idea? The upgrade will work as long
as the repos are still there.
On 12/15/2015 01:09 PM, dwoody5654 wrote:
Is there documentation elsewhere that has more details on the use of
an OS tree?
Are you specifying --dir relative to /home, or did you include "/home"
in the path?
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On 12/15/2015 12:45 PM, jd1008 wrote:
Does anyone know of a free OCR program for linux, that WORX
My wife used a tesseract-ocr frontend (gimagereader, on Windows)
successfully. There are a list of others:
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On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 1:09 PM, dwoody5654 wrote:
> The documentation says the following:
> harddrive
> Install from a tree or full installation ISO image on a local hard drive. The
> tree or ISO image must be on a file system which is mountable in the
> installation environment. Supported
On 12/16/2015 10:57 AM, dwoody5654 wrote:
From what you are saying, the only way to do a custom install for a
desktop computer is to use netinstall and use:/
I didn't say that at all. You can use a DVD as the install source. You
can put the ISO, rather than the install tree, on the hard dr
On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 2:50 PM, maderios wrote:
> 'Secure boot' is just a windows problem. In Linux world, nobody uses 'Secure
> Boot'. In Windows world, they need it and they use it because Windows system
> is 'natively' insecured.
Nonsense. Secure Boot secures Linux systems against rootkit
On 12/25/2015 01:29 PM, maderios wrote:
Its' Redhat point of view...
I'm not specialist but, historically, I know Redhat dev asked Linus
Torvalds patch kernel with 'secure boot'
It's an interesting historical footnote, but I don't think you (or the
authors of those articles) understand the
On 12/28/2015 07:14 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
gives lots of lines like this:
. . . RTNETLINK answers: File exists
Googling finds this problem all over the place - especially with old
versions of Fedora - but I can't find a fix for my particular situation.
We'd need all of your ifcfg-* file
On 12/28/2015 01:54 PM, Александр Кириллов wrote:
By the gateway I mean a host with 2 public ips on separate interfaces
connected to lan via the third interface. My undestanding of the OP is
that all traffic coming to some other host in the lan through one of
the public interfaces on the gatewa
On 01/08/2016 03:35 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:
My RSA private key stashed in a file that says
SSH PRIVATE KEY FILE FORMAT 1.1 has functioned
I don't recall seeing any changelog entry for it, but:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa1 -f keytmp
Generating public/private rsa1 key pair.
Enter passph
On 01/15/2016 03:51 AM, Tim wrote:
This shows just one advantage of doing fresh installs, instead of
updates. Those of use who do fresh installs, won't have old keys from
prior releases still on our systems.
"Your keys" means your private authentication keys. The ones in
~/.ssh. If you keep
On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Frank Elsner
> you should do an
> echo 'UseRoaming no' >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Depending on the content of your ssh_config file, that might not be an
effective fix. The recommended mitigation is:
# echo -e 'Host *\nUseRoaming no' >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config
On 01/21/2016 02:30 PM, Ranbir wrote:
Is there no love for this thread?:( I still don't know why Nautilus
has all of a sudden stopped working with nfs URLs.
Do you have the "gvfs-nfs" package installed?
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If you run "startx", then you're running Xorg.
The nearest equivalent for Wayland is probably "weston-launch". As far
as I know, LXDE doesn't yet support Wayland.
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On 01/24/2016 08:51 AM, Ranbir wrote:
On Sat, 2016-01-23 at 11:43 -0800, Gordon Messmer wrote:
On 01/21/2016 02:30 PM, Ranbir wrote:
Is there no love for this thread?:( I still don't know why
has all of a sudden stopped working with nfs URLs.
Do you have the "gvfs-nf
On 01/26/2016 08:44 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
And netstat isn't on non-live media apparently so I
don't have access to that while xvnc is running to see if it's
listening over something other than just an ipv4 address.
Is "ss"?
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On 01/26/2016 06:41 PM, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:
In fact there isn’t a single good reason to have SELinux enabled out of the box
The functions it (as with systemD) servers are limited to a select area of
I'd like to point out that the default policy is "targeted", which means
On 01/27/2016 11:29 AM, Walter Cazzola wrote:
I've a separate partition for /tmp that I'm used to see it wiped out at
any reboot on my previous installation but now this is never wiped out.
That's the expected behavior. If you specify a partition during
install, it will be used. If you use
On 01/28/2016 02:46 AM, Walter Cazzola wrote:
On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Gordon Messmer wrote:
If you'd like to use tmpfs now, you can "systemctl enable tmp.mount"
and comment out the /tmp item you currently have in fstab.
unfortunately this didn't work
> systemctl enabl
On 02/01/2016 08:33 AM, thibaut noah wrote:
Yeah i saw some build reviews on freenas, they recommend ecc but it is
not mandatory (and actually after reading some tests i don't get all
the fuss on ecc ram).
Just as with disks, bits can flip in RAM. Probably the most important
feature of ZFS i
On 02/02/2016 02:17 AM, thibaut noah wrote:
This article seems to disagree with you :
No, it doesn't. It refutes a description of a single hypothetical
problem wherein scrubbing ZFS can corrupt your data. That is to say
On 02/02/2016 01:36 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
Can someone point me to an instruction for doing so?
The short version would be that you'd copy the disk images to the other
host, and the VM definition in /etc/libvirt/qemu/.xml. If any
paths changed, fix guest.xml on the destination host. Then, "
On 02/02/2016 08:43 AM, thibaut noah wrote:
It's not an enterprise environnement, i will just store movies, tons
of it.
Even for personnal datas like photos and stuff, never saw a simple
user using ecc ram, especially in the windows world of gaming.
Well, yes, but if a bit flips when you're pl
On 02/02/2016 02:21 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
On the computer I'm having trouble with that directory is there but
empty, it contains no files.
Yet virtual machine manager thinks it has less than "22528 M?"
It doesn't matter what's in that directory so much as it matters how
much space that
On 02/10/2016 10:10 AM, jd1008 wrote:
How can I revert it back to original expected behavior?
View -> Layout -> Message Pane
Is it enabled/checked?
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On 02/12/2016 05:53 AM, Mark Haney wrote:
When I pull it through the load balancer (HTTPS) it doesn't with an
error about mixed content.
Or can someone begin to tell me where to start debugging.
View the source of the page in FF, and look for the string "http://";
Something in the site i
On 02/12/2016 07:40 AM, Mark Haney wrote:
While I can do SSL passthrough, I'm still stumped as to why this is a
problem. The media listed does have 'http://' items listed, but what
doesn't make sense is that the server I'm pulling from doesn't have
that problem when it's pure HTTPS. I would t
When I googled "joomla https proxy urls", the first result suggests:
"UPDATE: Disabling "Search Engine Friendly URLs" permits use of HTTPS
--> HTTP."
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On 02/12/2016 11:10 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
It works to prevent internet access from that ip. However I can still
In a very general sense, DROP may be preferred to REJECT when you are
dealing with protocols other than TCP or UDP.
For TCP, a firewall can reject a packet by sending
On 02/16/2016 09:00 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
But get "parse errors" when restarting iptables with everything I've
tried. Obviously I'm in over my head here, just trying to follow
You're probably better off asking these questions on the openwrt
forums. The rules you're sharing aren't
On 02/20/2016 04:05 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
. . but why is there only a problem with the "flac" OR? - all three
files have at least one space in the filename:
Your mistake seems to be believing that the shell can understand the way
you're nesting quotes. It can't. Each unescaped quote you
On 02/20/2016 07:18 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
OK, that all makes sense but there is a further issue - I was trying
to keep it simple - this whole line is inside a Ruby "system" command ie:
system( "ssh .. " )
I can't use the second option because I need to use double quotes so
that I can use
On 03/09/2016 10:18 AM, Suvayu Ali wrote:
Shouldn't the local line take care of my permissions? What am I doing wrong?
The only user that exists by default is "postgres". Use that use to
create new users and databases:
su postgres -c "createuser x"
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On 03/16/2016 05:25 PM, Rick Stevens wrote:
Keep in mind that SuSE is not based in the United States and can, if
they so choose, thumb their noses at US patent and copyright law.
SuSE, AFAIK, isn't planning to distribute ZFS. That's Canonical.
They're also not based in the US, but they'd pro
On 03/17/2016 08:22 AM, Ian Malone wrote:
(maybe newgrp if it works).
Yes, newgrp will launch a new login shell, which will have new group
memberships as specified.
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On 03/16/2016 12:11 PM, Mark Haney wrote:
Ubuntu's using OpenZFS, which is under the CDDL. IANAL, but I don't
see that as a showstopper for Fedora including it in the future.
There's disagreement about the issue:
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On 03/22/2016 05:27 AM, Gary Stainburn wrote:
I then downloaded OpenSSH for Windows using the installer found at
I recommend using the cygwin port directly, rather than a third party
This looks like it walks through the setup properly:
On 03/23/2016 12:10 PM, Mike Wright wrote:
Here's what I'm trying:
sudo ssh -L lo.cal.ip.adx:0:rem.ote.ip.adx:110
You don't need "sudo" to forward a port > 1024.
You do need a server to connect to, which you haven't given in the above
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Is anyone else having trouble with
I updated this morning, and with that update applied, when I lock the
session and my monitors shut off, the system takes a very long time
(which varies,
On 04/13/2016 01:04 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:
The security geeks decided dsa keys weren't secure
Do you mean "the security experts who maintain OpenSSH and OpenBSD?"
But, yeah, the release notes are light on details.
I recommend this document to SSH users:
On 04/13/2016 12:24 PM, Greg Woods wrote:
If you're using NAT, then all the connections to the Samba server will
appear to come from the same IP, which may confuse things.
I think the root of the problem is that SMB creates a browse master for
each subnet. Since the Samba server and the Windo
On 04/14/2016 05:59 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
If I leave the laptop open but idle for about 5 minutes
the screen goes blank, and I see no way to "wake" it.
Try "dnf downgrade xorg-x11-server-Xorg"
I noticed similar symptoms after applying updates yesterday. If
downgrading that package fixes
On 04/20/2016 05:33 AM, Weiner, Michael wrote:
I had the opportunity to add another PERC H810 controller along with a
PowerVault MD1200 to add more space ... when the server came up and I tried to
mount it, I received the following error:
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /de
On 04/20/2016 05:33 AM, Weiner, Michael wrote:
I received the following error:
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,
# dd if=/dev/sdb1 bs=1k count=1 skip=1 | od -h
060 a851 570e 0044 ef53 0001 0001
"ef53" is a signature for ext3 filesystems. Do
On 04/21/2016 05:46 AM, Weiner, Michael wrote:
[root@raos_apps01 ~]# file -s /dev/sdb1
/dev/sdb1: data
As Chris Murphy noted, ext3 filesystems larger than 8TB were not
supported in the initial release of CentOS 5.0, and may have required
the -F
On 04/21/2016 10:08 AM, Weiner, Michael wrote:
mkfs.ext3 -F -b 4096 -n /dev/sdb1
>Note that I don't have a CentOS 5 system around for testing, and I don't know
what mixing -F and -n does.
Yeah I was a little nervous about that, and as such, I didn’t try it:)
because the flags are also counte
On 04/22/2016 05:44 AM, Weiner, Michael wrote:
However I cannot use any of the superblocks it seems:
It was always unlikely that whatever damaged the first block did not
damage the rest of the array. At this point, I think you have
sufficient evidence that restoring from backups is the way f
On 04/22/2016 05:39 AM, Jeffrey Ross wrote:
md2 is my root partition, I ran "find / -mount -inum 1308162" find
didn't return any value.
Using debugfs is faster:
# debugfs /dev/md2
debugfs: ncheck 1308162
However, as I understand it, the message you recorded is "strictly for
On most of the networks where I have hosts, the Ethernet interface has
an inet6 address with a 64 bit netmask and flags "scope global
noprefixroute dynamic."
On a Comcast Business network, though, my hosts have one inet6 address
with a 64 bit netmask and the same flags, plus another inet6 add
On 04/25/2016 11:43 PM, Tim wrote:
My ethernet port has a LAN 192.168.. address, and two IPv6
addresses, one appears to be the same kind of role as 192.168 kind of
IPv4 addresses, assigned by my router
I should have been more clear. I'm not referring to the link-local
fe80:: address which is
I think I figured out the dual address bit. The address with the 64 bit
mask is SLAAC and the address with the 128 bit mask is DHCPv6-assigned.
Then the question is, are there any gotchas with DHCPv6? Should I
change my setup or leave it as is?
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On 05/03/2016 02:07 AM, K. Chowksey wrote:
In case anyone has a workaround for Xorg server, please let me know.
# dnf downgrade xorg-x11-server-Xorg
I saw the same thing on a Dell Optiplex 7010, which had a Radeon card
and on-board Intel graphics. The problem went away when I removed the
On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
> I would have though for wired, setting "Use this connection only for
> resources on its network" would do that, but it doesn't.
What does "ip route show" output when you set that option? Also, are
you setting that option for both ipv4 and
On 06/21/2016 05:31 PM, jd1008 wrote:
How can I force them to be downloaded again?
Use IMAP, and drag-and-drop to copy the messages.
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On 06/21/2016 07:41 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
Anyway I did try to update a system here and the OP's issue came up for me and
I read the
error message properly and simply added the --nogpgcheck to the dnf command.
That works, but it's terrible practice. Those packages are (probably)
downloaded o
On 06/21/2016 08:43 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
Generally speaking, yes. But considering the flux rpmfusion is in these days
and I deemed
the risk rather low.
I'll admit that the risk is hypothetical, but what does rpmfusion's flux
have to do with the risk of allowing unsigned packages?
On 06/21/2016 11:05 PM, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
Any ways to improve this process?
Arguably: Start using ansible, or another configuration management tool
to install packages and make changes to the system. If you make a habit
of *only* making changes to the system using configuration ma
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