Re: Xorg.log.0

2018-05-28 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hello: Should there be an Xorg.log.0 in fedora 28? How come I don't have one after a brand new install? Look for it in ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log Regards, Fernando. ___ users mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an e

Re: First NFS entry in fstab not mounting at boot

2010-05-20 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi, > Inside of /etc/rc.d/init.d/netfs - the part that mounts the NFS shares, I > put: > > sleep 30 Is your switch a Cisco one? Regards, Fernando. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or c

Re: bonded nic not starting at boot

2010-09-03 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi, > /etc/init.d/network stop and then /etc/init.d/network start brings the > bond0 interface down and up as expected.  Could there be an issue > with when the aliases are available from /etc/modprobe.conf?  There > is nothing in dmesg or /var/log/messages that show the system even trying > to st

Re: how to list packages installed from a particular repo

2014-01-28 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi > I was wondering if there is an easy way to list all the packages > installed on a F20 system from a particular repo. yum list | grep '@repo' Regards, Fernando. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: https://admin.fedoraproject

Re: How to disable IPv6 configuration properly?

2016-03-01 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi, El 01/03/16 a las 20:15, Peter Boy escribió: Now I’m wondering what I may have overlooked or missed? Try this: Fernando. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscript

Re: Multiple default routes, same subnet

2012-11-09 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi, > I have two internet links, from different ISPs for my office network, > each one with it's own router (which is a linux PC) so I don't loose > internet connectivity easily. One ISP has a much higher bandwitch, so > usually all my computers use it as the default gateway. The other one is > in

F18: ~/.vnc/xstartup example

2013-01-30 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Please, could someone copy-paste a working ~/.vnc/xstartup so I can have a gnome3 session when I access my computer using VNC? The ~/.vnc/xstartup I used in F17 doesn't work in F18. Thanks, Fernando. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription op

Re: F18: ~/.vnc/xstartup example

2013-01-31 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi, > do us a favor for archive sake, post what you had/used for the F17 > version. First time I used this info ( to correlate the old and the new config. To use the display number 10 this is the recipe: 1. Install t

Re: F18: ~/.vnc/xstartup example

2013-01-31 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi, >> could someone copy-paste a working ~/.vnc/xstartup so I can have a >> gnome3 >> session when I access my computer using VNC? >> >> The ~/.vnc/xstartup I used in F17 doesn't work in F18. > > It has been years since the last time I got gnome > to work in a VNC session, it seems way too depend

Re: mail from the command line ??

2013-09-15 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi, > set smtp-use-starttls > set smtp=smtp:// Port 465 is smtpS so you don't use STARTTLS in this connection. Try replacing both lines with this one: set smtp=smtps:// Regards, Fernando. -- users mailing list To

Re: Firefox does not connect to a secure page

2019-03-27 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi Enrique, > An error occurred during a connection to Cannot communicate > securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). Error code: > SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP If you want to know what's going on: "man crypto-policies". A ¿workaround? for firefox is execute firefox

Re: Firefox does not connect to a secure page

2019-03-29 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi Enrique, > Is it a risk to use firefox like that? Not sure, but I don't think so. Regards, Fernando. ___ users mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Figuring out a headless server's zeroconf addr

2014-07-21 Thread Fernando Gozalo
Hi, > So given ipv6 local-scope, how do I learn the other system's addr. According to ip -6 neigh show Regards, Fernando. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: https://admin.