with .rpmnew extension
Hope this help
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 27 Workstation)___
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PC without remove Windows is install
Linux on a USB-3 key and boot on this PC form it.
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 27 Workstation)
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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... without use vim or nano, or nmcli or nmtui or nm-connection-editor
or other tools external to Gnome Network control Panel?
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 27 Workstation)___
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
Il giorno mar, 27/02/2018 alle 08.39 -0800, Samuel Sieb ha scritto:
> You can't. It doesn't support management of either vlans or bridges.
I must fill a bugs on Fedora or Gnome?
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 2
Il giorno mar, 27/02/2018 alle 12.14 -0800, Samuel Sieb ha scritto:
> On 02/27/2018 09:35 AM, Dario Lesca wrote:
> > Il giorno mar, 27/02/2018 alle 08.39 -0800, Samuel Sieb ha scritto:
> > > You can't. It doesn't support management of either vlans or
> > > br
run a new screen
or reuse a suspend screen, when I'm inside the screen the copy buffer
is empty and I do no t can paste it in any way.
It's possible disable this "clean copy buffer feature" of the screen?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Li
lowerasing" to verify).
Is this a bug and I must be fill a bugzilla or the VNC incoming
connection now it is done in another way?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 27 Workstation)___
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedor
lway do not work.
What is the best way to report this my suggest?
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 27 Workstation)___
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Il giorno gio, 19/04/2018 alle 09.48 -0700, stan ha scritto:
> Open a bugzilla against remmina package at the address below.
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 27 Workstat
Il giorno ven, 27/04/2018 alle 15.33 -0700, Samuel Sieb ha scritto:
> The change has been reverted so VNCI will be back whenever the
> Fedora
> packager updates remmina next.
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 27 Wo
/share/gnome-shell/extensions that were also installed via
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 27 Workstation)___
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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yes|LANG=C tracker reset --hard
Hope this help
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 27 Workstation)___
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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ore to purge all?
Dario Lesca
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users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Fedora Code of Conduct: https://getfedo
t happen?
Dario Lesca
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users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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a embedded Java app.?
Why one is secure and the other not?
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 28 Workstation)___
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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U.S. and othercountries
Thanks for suggest.
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 28 Workstation)___
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Fedora Code of Conduct
Il giorno sab, 30/06/2018 alle 18.58 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> strange-adobe-pdf.pdf: PDF document, version 1.7
Then the version 1.7 of PDF is not (yet?) compliant with some open
source application?
For now, none of the Fedora software can open this file.
I have try to use Evince, Oku
beRdr9.5.5-1_i486linux_enu.rpmsudo dnf install libcanberra-gtk2.i686
adwaita-gtk2-theme.i686 AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i486linux_enu.rpm
Work on a f28 amd64 test machine ... and open the "strange" 1.7 file
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 2
minersx86_64 2.0.5-
1.fc28updates 766 k
the it's useful put "exclude=tracker-miners" into /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
In this way, tracker-miners is non installed
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux
ble over reasonably slow links and does its best to adapt to
changing network bandwidth constraints.
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 28 Workstation)
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Ok my notebook I work with Fedora from Core 1 with Gnome on Xorg-x11
I would like to continue to work with Gnome on Xorg-x11 ... even after
version 40
What is the best way to do that without change distro?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
(Inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 39 Workstation
ons and all work fine.
If I try the same environment with Gnome + Wayland some of these do not
work and I must search an alternative solution.
Let's hope that something happens in the meantime, before Fedora 41.
Dario Lesca
(Inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 39
other distro:
My question is:
There is now some method for increase this timeout?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
(Inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 40 Workstation)
setup this touchpad
Thanks you for reply.
Il giorno mar, 06/08/2024 alle 09.23 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> whenever I type, sometimes my hand touches touchpad and mouse goes to
> a
> random place and following digits are written in the wrong place.
> I hav
Someone can tell me if is possible to use this device?
What software I must install? (i use gnome) ...
Thanks for help.
Dario Lesca
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Il giorno ven, 04/06/2010 alle 11.36 -0400, Jim ha scritto:
> On 06/04/2010 07:14 AM, Dario Lesca wrote:
> > Someone can tell me if is possible to use this device?
> > What software I must install? (i use gnome) ...
> >
> > Thanks for help.
> >
> >
fs was known as usbdevfs. Note, the real list of all supported
> filesystems depends
> on your kernel.
The type 'nonfs' is not a valid type of FS, and anyway the iso9660 is a
FS an is NOT a network file system.
Because it is attempted to mount?
How to avoid this error?
Is this a
Were is a package like this for Fedora 13?
I have use it in Fedora 9-12
Has been replaced with something else?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
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start" no longer show the mount warning message.
Many thanks!
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
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esca lesca31 11 giu 09:06 /tmp/4c11e0873d7b8 ->
> /etc/cups/ppd/pr-to-p1m-cor.ppd
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 lesca lesca33 11 giu 09:06 /tmp/4c11e0877ab21 ->
> /etc/cups/ppd/pr-to-p1m-direz.ppd
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 lesca lesca29 11 giu 09:06 /tmp/4c11e0878a403 ->
There is a broken symbolic link in /etc/alternatives for
I have resolve with this:
> ln -fs /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64/lib/amd64/IcedTeaPlugin.so
> /etc/alternatives/libjavaplugin.so.x86_64
Hope this help
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
f yes, on fedora or mozilla?
Dario Lesca
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s, on fedora or mozilla?
Dario Lesca
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Il giorno sab, 19/06/2010 alle 17.59 -0400, Genes MailLists ha scritto:
> perhaps you may want to try google-chrome - it has a sync feature as
> well which may be of interest ...
where is the google-chrome-x.x.x-x.src.rpm ?
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
Il giorno sab, 19/06/2010 alle 21.50 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> If instead I copy /notebook/home/me/.mozilla in ~/.mozilla,
> firefox work fine.
Ok, no sym link, no mount "bind" ...
I have place another rsync on my home computer,
from /notebook/home/me/.mozilla to ~/.mozi
Many thanks ... and sorry for my bad English :-)
Dario Lesca
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Il giorno lun, 12/07/2010 alle 14.45 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> Someone can show me, if exist, more better solution for a) and b)?
Thank to all, now I have a place to start.
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
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.pdf" attachment, but the attach icon
is not show left subject.
This happens only with some message (in "schermata-2bn.png" is OK) and
in all evolution version of f12 (with f10 this problem does not occur).
Someone have some suggest?
Is this a bug?
Many thanks.
Il giorno gio, 04/03/2010 alle 01.48 +0100, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> Hi, someone have noticed regard this issue in evolution 2.28.2 on f12?
> For some message, the attach icon is not show and seems that the message
> is without attach.
I. No one use evolution ?
II. No o
21 M
> Transaction Summary
> ====
> Install 2 Package(s)
> Upgrade 0 Package(s)
> Total download size: 23 M
ne works and the other not?
Thanks for reply.
Dario Lesca
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563950) and I do not known how to convert it in date/time.
I want to find all processes older than n-days and send them a special
Some suggest?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
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Il giorno ven, 12/03/2010 alle 16.57 +0100, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> Hi, how to get from a Shell the date that was start a process?
I have found this simple suggest:
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
is not true, this command not work:
dd if=~/Download/F15-Server-i386-DVD.iso of=/dev/sdc
Thanks for help
Dario Lesca
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How to disable automatic update on Fedora 15?
Dario Lesca
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Il giorno mar, 21/06/2011 alle 00.01 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> Someone have some suggest for help me to boot my netbook without
Someone can help me to generate a bootable usb stick via boot.iso ?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
Il giorno mer, 22/06/2011 alle 18.28 +0100, Steve Searle ha scritto:
> Around 06:27pm on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 (UK time), Dario Lesca scrawled:
> > Il giorno mar, 21/06/2011 alle 00.01 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> > > Someone have some suggest for help me to bo
s poor) compare to e17
Many thanks gpe, now I try to use it for a while.
Dario Lesca
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te rep via
It's also possible set the route on router A and B, in this case is not
necessary set the route on any host of lan A and B
hope this help
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
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How to do (or how to install) for get a pop-up message on my Gnome
desktop and a "wall" message on my shell when the battery of my notebook
is low?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
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e box...
... But I wonder:
* this need is not common to all GNOME desktop users?
* nobody needs to be notified when the battery is low, without
install third-party software ?
* Other people how they solved this?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
-appindicator module for indicator mode not available in the
> system.
I have found nothing about "python-appindicator" into fedora
Dario Lesca
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install the kernel and notify me that there is a new
kernel, but can not install it.
Yes, ok, I can use exclude=kernel* line command or into yum.conf, but
this is not the same things: the default IMHO should be: do not remove
other package when I update some software.
Or did I miss or
Il giorno dom, 20/03/2011 alle 14.36 -0400, Genes MailLists ha scritto:
> have you tried google calendar
wow! a new apps open source?
An apps witch I can install on my server?
Show me where I can download the source an I install on my server an use
Dario Lesca
d a Microsoft ISA proxy Server 20**
hope this help
If work after run "yum remove -y mono*" ;-)
Dario Lesca
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x27;s possible install Gnome 2 ?
or configure gnome 3 so do all this?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
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Il giorno mar, 26/04/2011 alle 18.11 -0400, Tom H ha scritto:
> +1
> And Unity's not much better in this regard.
But on Ubuntu it's possible to choose to use Unity or Gnome 2
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
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Hi, on my f14 I had place on my panel the system monitor, witch show me
the CPU and network usage.
How to do that into F15+Gnome3?
Many thanks.
Dario Lesca
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ase 15 (Lovelock)
Kernel \r on an \m (\l)
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or into a lateral panel, like Gnome2 do (see image)
Before jump to f15+gnome3 I want to set up a desktop
like my old desktop on f14+gnome2
Have notice how to create some tray to insert more launcher ?
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
stinstall script do
Dario Lesca
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X this command:
% xhost +local:localhost
this fix my issue.
Hope this help
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
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dependent on
Thanks for your patience, and thanks for all the other wonderful work
Dario Lesca
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;=2.6.28 ), try linux-staging code!"
what is "linux-staging code"?
where is the drivers?
I'm not a kernel guru ... so ... please point me into right way
In some other distro, like SuSe o AltLinux o mandr* there is a rpm
package, bur for Fedora no.
Dario Lesca
folder (/tmp/usbip-module/linux-2.6.34/drivers/staging/usbip/)
but I'm not able to build the usbip module, if I run :
% cd /tmp/usbip-module/linux-2.6.34/drivers/staging/usbip/
% make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd` modules
noting is build
Someone can show me how I can compile
How to sync iPod Nano 5g with Linux Fedora?
The last version of gtkpod/libgpod is no more compatible with this
version of iPod (with built-in video camera and some other new feature).
Someone have some suggest for manage this new version of iPod Nano?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
Il giorno mar, 19/01/2010 alle 14.35 +0100, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> How to sync iPod Nano 5g with Linux Fedora?
New iPod (5g) are not supported in all Linux:
Dario Lesca
users mailing list
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ut the repo is non usable
from centos 5.4
Someone can help me?
many thanks
Dario Lesca
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Il giorno ven, 29/01/2010 alle 14.17 +0100, Michael Schwendt ha scritto:
> Just a guess: maybe you need to run createrepo with a different
> parameter for its -s/--checksum option?
Thank Michael!
run "createrepo --checksum=sha ." solve my problem!
Many thanks.
Dario L
> Matthew Saltzman
> Clemson University Math Sciences
> mjs AT clemson DOT edu
Dario Lesca - sip:da...@solinos.it
(Inviato da Linux Fedora20 con Gnome3.10)
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ew features" of Gnome apply to
some password request for some application.
> --
> Regards,
> Rejy M Cyriac (rmc)
Dario Lesca - sip:da...@solinos.it
(Inviato da Linux Fedora20 con Gnome3.10)
users mailing list
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I think this is not a solution.
The solution is fill the bug and wait that the maintainer will fix it.
I also believe that this incomplete update of libreoffice should not
have been published.
Dario Lesca - sip:da...@solinos.it
(Inviato da Linux Fedora20 con
his is only a workaround, and many users cannot apply it.
IMHO, The final solution is:
If [ "a new package version exist for A" \
and "it's useful for some other new package B" ]
push A and B to repo for update
Conflict: firefox-25.0-3.fc20.x86_64 conflicts
> xulrunner(x86-64) > 25.1
> --> Finished Dependency Resolution
> Error: firefox conflicts with xulrunner-30.0-1.fc20.x86_64
I have also download FF from FF web site and the problem is the same:
FF30 do not work, FF 29 work.
Some sugges
ng it to true.
I love this kind of suggest because it solve the problem.
With this setting to true, the NTLM of FF30 work again
Many Thanks
> --
> Do not condemn the judgment of another because it differs from your own. You
> may both be wrong. -- Dandemis
Dario Lesca
the NTLM V1 is a MS Intranet web
server, and I do not have control on it, I'm a simple user only.
I do not know how to migrate to v2 protocol.
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 20 con Gnome 3.10.4)
users mailing list
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so I thought that I would ask for some advice.
> Thank you for any help you are able to provide!
Try this:
> $ sudo dnf install fuse-afp
> $ mount_afp
> Usage:
> mount_afp [-o volpass=password]
Found via:
... but I'm not an afp expert
See this example:
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 22 con Gnome 3.16)
users mailing list
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> updates103 k
> Transaction Summary
> =====
> Nothing to do.
> Complete!
Il giorno mar, 15/09/2015 alle 12.11 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> With dnf and without use yum-deprecated, how to see what is the
> dependency is broken?
I have found how to:
> [root@dodo:~]# dnf update --best --allowerasing
> Last metadata expiration check performed 0:00:26 ag
Il giorno gio, 04/06/2015 alle 14.15 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> Now after update to f22 this command (replace or delete) not work
> anymore. See some example:
After today update to NetworkManager-1.0.6-5.fc22.x86_64 the route
manually replaced (ip r rep ...) work again.
The bug ar
Someone have a recent binary of Tox for Fedora?
or, someone is working on it ?
I have found this old sub-project:
But it is not update.
Many thanks for info.
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 22 con Gnome
ble to restore previous direct view, with mounted disk always
visible into left panel of nautilus?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 23 Workstation)
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k do not have the unmount or eject
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 23 Workstation)
users mailing list
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Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedorapro
... do some action, like execute a custom shell, independently from the
desktop environment use?
Many thanks for your suggestion.
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 23 Workstation)
users mailing list
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Someone can help me?
I was able to do that with acpid via /etc/acpi/actions/ and
/etc/acpi/events/, but now all is gone: it is arrived systemd
Many thanks
Il giorno mar, 01/12/2015 alle 21.04 +0100, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> ... do some action, like execute a custom shell, independently f
: No such file or directory
> [lesca@dodo ~]$ rpm -q openssl-devel openssl
> openssl-devel-1.0.2e-3.fc23.x86_64
> openssl-1.0.2e-3.fc23.x86_64
Someone can help me to build from source or run the generic build?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 23 Workstation)
Il giorno lun, 04/01/2016 alle 21.40 +0100, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> Hi, I try to build qTox on f23 follow this how to
> https://github.com/tux3/qTox/blob/master/INSTALL.md#simple-install
> but I cannot find sqlcipher and I get this error:
> /usr/bin/ld: canno
ve adapt the spec file present into sqlchiper zip and install
manually the dependence, omitting descriptions, Comments and parts of
lesser importance to build it, I do not know how to improve it (see
In the next few days I will try to look how to use copr
Dario Lesca
7; and -i options, I want run it with only -K
and -R
If i kill it and run
syndaemon -d -K -R
everything works as I want
It's possible do that from a control panel, like all D.E. =! Gnome3 do?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 23 Workstation)
Il giorno lun, 18/01/2016 alle 21.10 +0100, Outback Dingo ha scritto:
> Ive given up on skype though its installed, Ive moved on to QTOX,
> does pretty much the same thing in a secure manner.
Where is qTox for Fedora?
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 23 Works
Il giorno mar, 19/01/2016 alle 07.25 +0100, Outback Dingo ha scritto:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 1:03 AM, Dario Lesca
> wrote:
> > Il giorno lun, 18/01/2016 alle 21.10 +0100, Outback Dingo ha
> > scritto:
> > > Ive given up on skype though its in
Il giorno mar, 19/01/2016 alle 10.28 +0100, Bob Marcan ha scritto:
> What about http://www.viber.com/en/products/linux ?
where is the source code?
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 23 Workstation)
users mailing list
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Il giorno ven, 22/01/2016 alle 15.17 +0100, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> Il giorno mar, 19/01/2016 alle 10.28 +0100, Bob Marcan ha scritto:
> >
> > What about http://www.viber.com/en/products/linux ?
> where is the source code?
My question is for Viber proposed by Bob, an
g', all software from rpmfusion will be
And this is not what I want.
Then, for now, I'm not able to upgrade to f24.
Me too have this problem with another package from rpmfusion (freetype-
freeworld), then I have post a message to rpmfusion-user list and now
> BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/";
> PRIVACY_POLICY_URL=https://fedorap
See this:
"broken it.po causes: KeyError: 'nome-mv'"
LANG=en_US.utf8 virt-manager
-- Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 24 Workstation)
users mailing list
How to configure it into Fedora 24?
-- Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 24 Workstation)
-- Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 24 Workstation)--
users mailing list
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rv-synaptics, dnf want remove also cinnamon
and mate desktop.
And this is not what I want.
On my system I have these DE installed because some time I must try it
There is another way to disable synaptics driver into Xorg/gnome-shell?
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 24 Workstat
Il giorno gio, 11/08/2016 alle 08.17 -0400, Terry Polzin ha scritto:
> ... then I want system-config-lvm back
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 24 Workstation)
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