roach I take to ripping my hundreds of CDs is to do a session of
multiple discs by the same artist or some other grouping while listening
to some of the ripped tracks. This gives a direct reward for some boring
Documentation on ripping media from disc found on the web is frequently
op_mem mem 9}
${color grey} ${top_mem name 5} ${top_mem pid 5} ${top_mem cpu 5}
${top_mem mem 10}
As for the accuracy of any representation of CPU usage, that's a
complicated subject.
-Andrew J. Caines- Un
re managed for each device. Look in "Color" in your
Settings and you should see each device capable of supporting a profile.
You will probably see that a profile has been automatically loaded.
-Andrew J. Caines- Unix Systems Architect
"Machines take m
nents which would be unsuitable today.
-Andrew J. Caines- Unix Systems Architect
"Machines take me by surprise with great frequency" - Alan Turing
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