Dear all,
I've a full version of texlive 2010 installed (more than 3000 packages)
but only the English hyphenation is loaded and I can't find how to load
also the rules for other languages (Italian in particular).
Normally I do that from texconfig (hyphenation menu) but now it says:

  texconfig hyphen is no longer supported, because manual edits of
  language.dat (or language.def) will be overwritten by the new TeX Live
  package manager, tlmgr, which regenerates those configuration files as
  needed upon package changes.  Thus, to add or remove hyphenation
  patterns, the recommended method is to use tlmgr to add or remove the
  appropriate package.

  If you need to make manual additions, you can edit the files
  language-local.dat and language-local.def under TEXMFLOCAL.  Further
  information with tlmgr --help and at


Unfortunately the yum version of texlive 2010 removed tlmgr and "yum
provides language-local.\*" doesn't provide any result. So I suppose
they are not installed as well.

The problem is known and on the fedoraproject wiki related to texlive
( you read:

  The hyphenation for other languages than english is still not working
  (similarly to TL2009 in F12) unless the config is modified manually.
  Simply installing the required packages still produces the result
  below even though all the hyphenation pattern files exist under
  /usr/share/... :

  Babel v3.8l and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang,
  nohyphenation, loaded.

  The issue seems to have been fixed in the latest TL2010-update.
  Thanks. --Piksi 15:37, 27 August 2010 (UTC)

  This is no more an issue with the latest packages, is it? --jnovy
  09:09, 09 October 2010 (UTC)

That seems they know the problem and this is not an issue anymore but I
keep my fedora13 up to date but almost 2 months later than the fix my
problem still persists.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for the help


Walter Cazzola, PhD - Assistant Professor, DICo, University of Milano
E-mail Ph.: +39 02 503 16300  Fax: +39 02 503 16253
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