On 01Apr2011 15:46, les wrote:
| > Here is the smallest sample I have been working with to show the current
| > error:
| >
| > #include
| > main()
| > {
| > long double temp;
| > printf ("M_PI=%e\n",M_PI);
| > printf ("sin 90 = %e\n",sinf(M_PI/2));
| > temp=M_PI/2.0;
| > //
On Fri, 1 Apr 2011, les wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-04-01 at 15:29 -0700, les wrote:
>> Here is the smallest sample I have been working with to show the current
>> error:
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> #include
>> main()
>> {
>> long double temp;
>> printf ("M_PI=%e\n",M_PI);
On Fri, 2011-04-01 at 15:29 -0700, les wrote:
> First let me say, that while I have used C++ I don't normally use it for
> my work and so am not throughly familiar with what it does, so if this
> is due to a C++ error, please be gentle.
> I am working on some DSP code I developed a long time ago