If you are running KDE, you also can use KMail without installing
anything else. Just follow the procedures outline on their POP3 or
IMAP email & you will be ready in a few minutes
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AOL features standard IMAP mailboxes since 2002 or thereabouts.
So you can install Mozilla Thunderbird and configure your AOL email
addresses with the following data:
server type: IMAP4
server name: imap.aol.com
user name: (your screen name goes here)@aol.com
password: (your mailbox or AIM passwo
On 04/17/2011 11:47 AM, james tate wrote:
> Are there any Linux Apps out that will run AOL Mail in Fedora ?
> I'm setting up Fedora on A CRASHED !! XP Computer ,so he to be able to
> read his AOL Mail from Linux.
Install Thunderbird and follow these instructions:
On 04/17/2011 09:47 AM, james tate wrote:
> Are there any Linux Apps out that will run AOL Mail in Fedora ?
> I'm setting up Fedora on A CRASHED !! XP Computer ,so he to be able to
> read his AOL Mail from Linux.
If AOL provides a POP or IMAP server address, plus
an SMTP server address, then all
Are there any Linux Apps out that will run AOL Mail in Fedora ?
I'm setting up Fedora on A CRASHED !! XP Computer ,so he to be able to
read his AOL Mail from Linux.
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