On 01/01/2012 11:15 AM, Frank Murphy wrote:
> (I have line wraps here)
> my.server.here://nfs/store01 /home/myuser/Net01 nfs
> user,rw,noauto,hard,intr0 0
> The problem I'm having is myuser on the client is uid:1000
> (my son set up his own PC with Fedora16
(I have line wraps here)
my.server.here://nfs/store01 /home/myuser/Net01
nfs user,rw,noauto,hard,intr0 0
The problem I'm having is myuser on the client is uid:1000
(my son set up his own PC with Fedora16)
on the server myuser uid:500
I was thinking: