On 2020-07-03 7:18 a.m., Patrick Dupre wrote:
I wish to install a list of packages from a list.
What is the best option?
Assuming that you are working from CLI, how about:
$ sudo xargs dnf install https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproje
On 2020-07-03 19:18, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> I wish to install a list of packages from a list.
How long is the list?
dnf install `cat list`
may work for you. If the list isn't too long and the list is just the package
The key to getting good answers is to ask good questions.
I wish to install a list of packages from a list.
What is the best option?
Patrick DUPRÉ | | email: pdu...@gmx.com
Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne
9 Avenue Ala