> After doing 'dnf upgrade' on my Fedora 38 Thinkpad and then rebooting into new
> 6.5.5 kernel yesterday no flatpaks would run. The 'flatpak' command itself
> was
> fine, i.e. I could do 'flatpak list' and even 'install', but 'flatpak
> run ...' failed for all flatpaks I tried. Rebooted back in
After doing 'dnf upgrade' on my Fedora 38 Thinkpad and then rebooting into new
6.5.5 kernel yesterday no flatpaks would run. The 'flatpak' command itself was
fine, i.e. I could do 'flatpak list' and even 'install', but 'flatpak run ...'
failed for all flatpaks I tried. Rebooted back into older