It is a good idea to buy a DVD, thanks.
在 2012年4月7日 下午10:07,Aaron Konstam 写道:
> On Sat, 2012-04-07 at 21:09 +0800, yujian wrote:
> > Win7 and F16 are in two different partion. But I do not have F16
> > DVD, I will try to use the grub4dos to load in the fedora system to
> > resotre grub
> >
> >
On Sat, 2012-04-07 at 21:09 +0800, yujian wrote:
> Win7 and F16 are in two different partion. But I do not have F16
> DVD, I will try to use the grub4dos to load in the fedora system to
> resotre grub
> 在 2012年4月6日 下午10:51,Aaron Konstam 写
> 道:
> On Fri, 2012-04-06 at 11:33 +0800,
Win7 and F16 are in two different partion. But I do not have F16 DVD, I
will try to use the grub4dos to load in the fedora system to resotre grub
在 2012年4月6日 下午10:51,Aaron Konstam 写道:
> On Fri, 2012-04-06 at 11:33 +0800, yujian wrote:
> > My notebook is updated to 8G memory, and I reinstall
On Fri, 2012-04-06 at 11:33 +0800, yujian wrote:
> My notebook is updated to 8G memory, and I reinstall a Win7-64bits
> system, so the grub info of F16 is lost.
> Now I need to restore the grub load info of F16, or reinstall F16
> 64-bits version. I do not know how many difference of 32-bits and
On Fri, 2012-04-06 at 11:33 +0800, yujian wrote:
> My notebook is updated to 8G memory, and I reinstall a Win7-64bits
> system, so the grub info of F16 is lost.
> Now I need to restore the grub load info of F16, or reinstall F16
> 64-bits version. I do not know how many difference of 32-bits and
My notebook is updated to 8G memory, and I reinstall a Win7-64bits system,
so the grub info of F16 is lost.
Now I need to restore the grub load info of F16, or reinstall F16 64-bits
version. I do not know how many difference of 32-bits and 64 bits of F16.
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