On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 12:46:48AM +0200, Christopher Svanefalk wrote:
> To clarify a bit, is there a BETTER way to seed, than to simply let a
> client program (such as Transmission, which I currently use) do the seeding
> for me? I would like to feed as much data as possible.
Transmission also ha
That is probably the most you can do with the least amount of work. Find
some F/OSS ISOs with not too many seeds, download them and let the
torrent program keep running. Once your share ratio goes over 1, you're
officially helping. :)
On 08/20/2012 06:46 PM, Christopher Svanefalk wrote:
> To clari
To clarify a bit, is there a BETTER way to seed, than to simply let a
client program (such as Transmission, which I currently use) do the seeding
for me? I would like to feed as much data as possible.
Christopher Svanefalk
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 12:45 AM, Christopher Svanefalk <
Dear all
I have a relatively powerful (i7 3930K, 16GB RAM) desktop currently running
simulations for the Folding@Home project 24/7.
Since I am sitting on a pretty good landline (100mbit/s upstream), I would
very much like to use it to seed torrents for FOSS projects (especially
Fedora) as well, i