On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 7:58 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> > 2) "systemctl list-units" doesn't mention colord
> it does and "systemctl restart colord.service" works
> like for any other service
> [root@rh:~]$ /bin/systemctl --no-pager --full list-units | grep colord
> colord-sane.service
> loaded
Am 16.05.2012 14:18, schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan:
> F16
> After a recent yum update, "needs-restarting" says that colord should be
> restarted. OK, let's see:
> 1) pstree says that colord's parent is systemd
> 2) "systemctl list-units" doesn't mention colord
it does and "systemctl restart
After a recent yum update, "needs-restarting" says that colord should be
restarted. OK, let's see:
1) pstree says that colord's parent is systemd
2) "systemctl list-units" doesn't mention colord
3) There is no man page for colord
4) The colord docs ("rpm -qd colord") don't say anything about