On Tue, 2013-11-05 at 22:51 +, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v1/url?u=http://bumblebee-project.org/&k=dsHy%2FVymniCD0osh6tze%2Fw%3D%3D%0A&r=6lbkzZQmkGgL7ITxCWNsIJwNXCdRDnxsPepTVOzWl24%3D%0A&m=3Qq%2B1AAJhQnjOt2h7xWd%2BDcnmbrne%2FqGqK2MjngD%2BG8%3D%0A&s=a2ea19ae2ab3
It's actually a dual cards(intel+nvidia) problem.
I know there are supports for optimus in newest kernel/xorg/nvidia .
According to http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/Optimus/, new kernel supports
seamless switch between intel graphics driver and nouveau.
About nvidia
On Tue, 2013-11-05 at 21:08 +0800, WangWentao wrote:
> I have tried the repos version, but it doesn't work either.
> There is also an intel card along with nvidia card, so it supports optimus,
> but I can't disable it in BIOS.
Just FYI, there is a pilot project to support Optimus here:
I have tried the repos version, but it doesn't work either.
There is also an intel card along with nvidia card, so it supports optimus, but
I can't disable it in BIOS.
I have tried a few methods:
* specify BusID in xorg.conf
* remove nouveau module(blacklist+dracut)
* increase vmalloc
On 11/04/2013 11:33 AM, WangWentao wrote:
However, I failed to install nvidia driver. After I installed
NVIDIA-Linux-x86-319.60.run(no error), the X cannot be started until I restore
open source driver.
Using the binary blob from nVidia is probably the worst way to go. Not
only does it mang
I got a HP dv4 5306tx laptop with the UEFI+CSM mode enabled, and succeeded in
installation of fedora 18 i686.
However, I failed to install nvidia driver. After I installed
NVIDIA-Linux-x86-319.60.run(no error), the X cannot be started until I restore
open source driver.
I have no idea about