Having been stuck with bad reliability with the kernel and no touchpad 
with all newer kernels, I D/L and built 2.6.33-rc5 for the machine[2], and it 
pretty much works, way better than any recent FC kernel.
Touchpad works, display works without forcing vesa driver, suspend works[1] in 
terms of reliable resume, I'm very happy. No driver for my 802.11n dongle, I 
live with that for the moment.

[1] the power light goes yellow but doesn't blink. hibernate makes it blink, 
it really wakes up poorly, never functional and takes two boots to stop trying 
to recover. Fedora hasn't recovered NFS connections after suspend, in several 
years, due to trying to recover the NFS *before* the network is up. This 
work unless you write your own wakeup scripts.

[2] since I only want a small functional kernel for this machine, I did
   make allmodconfig
   make localmodconfig
then made the kernel and installed. I did NOT make an RPM, a custom install 
would be built for the exact hardware of any other machine.
Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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