Re: [389-users] Windows Sync Agreement Help

2011-06-01 Thread Albert Teh
The user: mailadm should have a full privilege from the AD because we are using this user for SUN's IDSYNC synchronizing/passwdsyc from the AD to the SUN's DS which is our current LDAP environment. We are trying to change SUN's Directory server to the Linux's 389-Directory server. "cn=mailadm,cn=

Re: [389-users] Windows Sync Agreement Help

2011-05-31 Thread Rich Megginson
On 05/31/2011 10:30 AM, Albert Teh wrote: HI Rich, [root@algldap ~]# /usr/lib/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -w - -D cn="Directory Manager" -b "ou=People,dc=algonquincollege,dc=com" "(|(objectclass=ntuser)(objectclass=ntgroup))" Enter bind password: [root@algldap ~]# No Entry found !!!. You have to

Re: [389-users] Windows Sync Agreement Help

2011-05-31 Thread Albert Teh
HI Rich, [root@algldap ~]# /usr/lib/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -w - -D cn="Directory Manager" -b "ou=People,dc=algonquincollege,dc=com" "(|(objectclass=ntuser)(objectclass=ntgroup))" Enter bind password: [root@algldap ~]# No Entry found !!!. Thanks. Albert On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Rich Megg

Re: [389-users] Windows Sync Agreement Help

2011-05-27 Thread Rich Megginson
On 05/27/2011 04:22 AM, Albert Teh wrote: Hi Rich, I reinstalled 389-ds-base from EPEL5 and added onewaysync set as fromWindows in the multimaster replication plugin. I still got the same result with no user created in the DS subtree. Have you read

Re: [389-users] Windows Sync Agreement Help

2011-05-26 Thread Rich Megginson
On 05/26/2011 08:58 AM, Albert Teh wrote: Hi, We are setting up a new CENTOS-DS version 8.1.0. and CENTOS 5.5 and attempt to synchronize with the existing 2003 Windows AD server. Performing the full sync completed. There is no user created in the DS subtree. We would like to perform one way

[389-users] Windows Sync Agreement Help

2011-05-26 Thread Albert Teh
Hi, We are setting up a new CENTOS-DS version 8.1.0. and CENTOS 5.5 and attempt to synchronize with the existing 2003 Windows AD server. Performing the full sync completed. There is no user created in the DS subtree. We would like to perform one way Sync: AD > DS. Once it works, we will set