Here is the full stacktrace of this segfault:
389 users mailing list
I wasn't able to reproduce this segfault using CentOS:
Name: 389-ds-base
Arch: x86_64
Version :
Release : 1.el6
However, when I updated to
Name: 389-ds-base
Arch: x86_64
Version :
Release : 20.el6_3
I've got the same segfault. I'll
On 11/14/2012 02:05 AM, Vladimir Elisseev wrote:
Obviously, I've tried ldapmodify and, as expected, it ends with an
error, no segfaults. However, I just tried
ldapmodrdn -r -h localhost -p 389 -D "cn=xxx" -W
"cn=0207,ou=1,ou=Users,ou=132252,ou=Tenants,dc=CIDS" "cn=020
(2012/11/13 05:22), Rich Megginson wrote:
On 11/13/2012 03:30 AM, Vladimir Elisseev wrote:
First of all I'd say that most likely this segfault is a result of
badly designed application and/or bad coding. The segfault occurs while
this application tries to move an entry to non-existing LD
Edward Z. Yang wrote:
> Excerpts from Rich Megginson's message of Mon Sep 20 11:37:32 -0400 2010:
>> What platform? What version of 389-ds-base? Can you install the
>> 389-ds-base-debuginfo package?
>> You will have to enable the directory server to produce a core dump.
>> 1) edit /etc/sys
Excerpts from Rich Megginson's message of Mon Sep 20 11:37:32 -0400 2010:
> What platform? What version of 389-ds-base? Can you install the
> 389-ds-base-debuginfo package?
> You will have to enable the directory server to produce a core dump.
> 1) edit /etc/sysconfig/dirsrv-instancename - add
Excerpts from Rich Megginson's message of Mon Sep 20 09:19:50 -0400 2010:
> > ns-slapd[2725]: segfault at 10a310af ip 003d58c95785 sp
> > 7ff2abf04040 error 4 in[3d58c0+15b000]
> > ns-slapd[2727]: segfault at 10a310af ip 003d58c95785 sp
> > 7ff2aab0
On 9/7/2010 8:25 AM, Dael Maselli wrote:
Hi Rich,
On 07/09/10 16.56, Rich Megginson wrote:
Do you see seg fault messages in /var/log/messages?
Sure: ns-slapd[13737]: segfault at 00bc rip 003abb420375
rsp 580d85d0 error 4
The directory server dumps core in the log fi
Dael Maselli wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm experiencing a lot of segmentation fault on my installations, I have
> the latest release on EPEL on SL 5.4 (389-Directory/1.2.5 B2010.012.2034).
Do you see seg fault messages in /var/log/messages?
> I'm trying to get core dumps but without success. Is there