I just discovered the ns-activate/inactivate/accountstatus.pl scripts but
I can't seem to get them to work. I've tried a bunch of different
combinations along these lines --
s-accountstatus.pl -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -p 389 -h
myldapserver -I cn=ejtest,ou=Deactivated
Can anyone point me towards any documentation or examples on creating and
using roles? I am hoping to set up a role for our service desk users so
they can add/delete users, but I need to have them login as themselves so
we can track them. I have an aci that I created that would allow them to
do thi
I had a strange thing start up yesterday with my 389-console.
I have 4 directory servers in 2 data centers. I have been using
389-console to manage them. Yesterday, I opened 389-console for server 1
in datacenter 2 (DC2_1) and it ended up showing me server 1 in DC1
(DC1_1). Then I opened 389-conso
> You might try running setup-ds-admin.pl -u on all of your machines.
thanks. I ran this and it looks like it ran successfully, but still no
netscaperoot on my second server.
I went back and looked at the first server, and it looks like he may have
somehow embedded server 2 into netscaperoot o
We have a cluster of 4 directory servers that we are trying to put into
production. One of our admins was doing some experimenting on one of them
and it looks like he deleted netscaperoot. What is weird though is that we
can still start and access the admin server (after multiple reboots and