Re: VMware woes

2024-01-12 Thread Dave Close
Samuel Sieb wrote: >Nothing to do with the list. That's your email client converting it. Speaking of email clients modifying received messages ... {This message was not written in HTML. If you are reading it as such, the presentation is dishonest and not what the author intended.} --

Re: VMware woes

2024-01-12 Thread Samuel Sieb
On 1/12/24 18:00, Sherman Grunewagen via users wrote: On 12/01/2024 17.58, Sherman Grunewagen via users wrote: Yes, the popup explicitly says that the 6.6.9 headers are needed (as I'm running kernel-6.6.9). Here's a screenshot of the popup:  . (I don't know how to

Re: VMware woes

2024-01-12 Thread Sherman Grunewagen via users
On 12/01/2024 17.58, Sherman Grunewagen via users wrote: On 11/01/2024 13.48, Jonathan Billings wrote: On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 03:36:32PM -0800, Sherman Grunewagen via users wrote: Hello all. Does anyone have VMware Workstation Pro 17.5.0 running with any of the later 6.6.X kernels? I'm havin

Re: VMware woes

2024-01-12 Thread Sherman Grunewagen via users
On 11/01/2024 13.48, Jonathan Billings wrote: On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 03:36:32PM -0800, Sherman Grunewagen via users wrote: Hello all. Does anyone have VMware Workstation Pro 17.5.0 running with any of the later 6.6.X kernels? I'm having a hard time getting it to run with a Fedora 38 installat

Re: Q about Fedora Users list behaviour

2024-01-12 Thread Sherman Grunewagen via users
On 10/01/2024 20.08, Tim via users wrote: Sherman Grunewagen: When I send a message to the list, the "From" field has my name and e-mail addr. But when it appears on the list, it's been magically changed to "fedora users". Some posters have their name preserved in the From: field. Is there a l

a bit off topic -- software development checklist!

2024-01-12 Thread bruce
Hey. A bit off topic, but I'll ask anyway. For those of you who dabble in developing/managing software teams, do you have any "fav" open source proj management webapps you use? I'm looking for a reasonable/good app I could use for a personal project that might have a small team . I'm looking for

Re: VMware woes

2024-01-12 Thread Frank Bures
On 2024-01-12 11:28, Sbob wrote: I am running Fedora 39 (Kernel 6.6.9-200) and VMWare workstation Pro 17.5.0 Here is what I do every time there is a new kernel: 1) run the dnf update and get the new kernel installed 2) reboot 3) open a terminal as root and run this script: #!/bin/bash VM

Re: VMware woes

2024-01-12 Thread Sbob
I am running Fedora 39 (Kernel 6.6.9-200) and VMWare workstation Pro 17.5.0 Here is what I do every time there is a new kernel: 1) run the dnf update and get the new kernel installed 2) reboot 3) open a terminal as root and run this script: #!/bin/bash VMWARE_VERSION=workstation-17.5.0 TM