I looked at the notes for 3.7.x and the migration from ZK to Kraft is still
not marked as production ready.
I'm wondering what are the issues that people could be facing during the
If 4.0 is still planned to be the full removal for ZK, is there a plan for
something after 3.7 to mark ZK
> Thanks.
> Luke
> On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 6:14 AM Matthieu Patou wrote:
> > I looked at the notes for 3.7.x and the migration from ZK to Kraft is
> still
> > not marked as production ready.
> >
> > I'm wondering what are the issues that people cou
I'm trying to finish the migration of a dev cluster that used to use ZK.
I finished the migration of Metadata from ZK to raft and it completed
fairly fast.
I did notice an error message:
* java.lang.RuntimeException: The log dir
Is showing you the topics and the topicID.
I don't have more topics with topicID so I can't tell for sure if it will
show if a topic doesn't have a topicID but it seems it should.
On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 10:33 AM Matthieu Patou wrote:
> I'm trying to finish
line=$(grep -E "Topic: ${topic}[ ]*Partition: ${partition}"
> /tmp/topics_and_parts)
> isr=$(echo "$line" |awk '{print $10}')
> found=0
> for i in $(echo "$isr" |tr "," " "); do
> if [ "$i" == "$id&