Re: (Re-)joining group for a longer time

2019-08-05 Thread Ivan Yurchenko
Hi, Kamesh, does one of worker's logs look like in ? I.e. INFO [Worker clientId=connect-1, groupId=connect] Was selected to perform a

NETWORK_EXCEPTION for cloud deployment

2019-08-05 Thread M. Manna
Hello Users, I am trying to deploy a 3 node cluster on GCP platform using helm chart. We forked it from github. our relevant broker configs are: listeners=INTERNAL://,EXTERNAL://,EXTERNAL:PLAINTEXT advertised.listeners= I

Re: (Re-)joining group for a longer time

2019-08-05 Thread Kamesh
Thanks Boyang & Ivan for responding and providing your inputs. There were many consumers in the consumer group, I think that is one of the reasons for this long group rebalances. I have resized this number of consumers to a reasonable size, I am testing the behavior again. Thanks & Regards Kamesh

upgrading kafka & zookeeper

2019-08-05 Thread Vignesh
Hi kafka Users, I have a novice question in kafka upgrade.. This is the 1st time i'm upgrading my kafka in Linux. My current version is "kafka_2.11-1.0.0.tgz".. when i initially setup i had a folder named kafka_2.11-1.0.0. Now i downloaded a new version "kafka_2.12-2.3.0.tgz". If i extract it is

Re: Kafka Streams & Processor API

2019-08-05 Thread Boyang Chen
Hey Navneeth, thank you for your interest in trying out Kafka Streams! Normally we will redirect new folks to the stream FAQ first in case you haven't checked it out. For details to your question: 1. Joining 2 topics using processor API (we cal