This is exactly what I was looking for, many thanks for the suggestion !!
If there are any other solutions, would be happy to hear though.
Retrying and querying other nodes sounds like an approach that would work, but
a much better option would
be to re-use the hashing algo kafka itself uses t
Hello. I'm concerned about the following question.
The documentation of Kafka Connect states that
"When a worker fails, tasks are rebalanced across the active workers. *When
a task fails, no rebalance is triggered as a task failure is considered an
exceptional case. As such, failed tasks are not au
We need to have the same Kafka cluster bound to multiple DNS aliases/domain
However, for some poor reason, we can't have a single SSL certificate with
subject alt names matching all DNS aliases.
Is it possible to use different SSL certs depending on the hostname used by
the client?
if you require security over multiple subject alt names then you will need a
UCC certificate from cert-provider
(godaddy/thawte/verisign are some of the providers)
Congratulations, Bill!
Your 'Kafka Streams in Action' is a great book. These months it is
always travelling with me in my backpack with my laptop ))
14.02.2019 3:56, Guozhang Wang пишет:
Hello all,
The PMC of Apache Kafka is happy to announce that we've added Bill Bejeck
as o
Hi all,
I'm trying to migrate an old Kafka version ( to the new Kafka
version (2.1.0). The company implemented a class in java for creating
Connectors, for that purpose the class ConnectionFactory is used to create
connectors (ConnectorFactory.newConnector(*String connectorClassOrAlias*
We are planning on implementing Kafka to stream changes from a MariaDB as well
as a MS SQL Server database into an S3 bucket and would like to stay with
opensource solutions as much as possible. To simplify this process it looks
like we might need to use something that leverages Kafka like
Kafka Connect was designed explicitly to support this kind of use case.
Debezium's connectors implement the Kafka Connect API, and they just
released a MS SQL Server source connector that captures the changes from
SQL Server and writes them to Kafka. Debezium's MySQL source connector may
work with
Kafka Connect JDBC source can pick up changes based on primary keys and mod
time columns. Debezium consumes the DBs change log directly.
Both would work for your purpose. Have a look at the documentation for the
Kafka Connect S3 sink to see if it fits your needs on the other end.
Liam Cl
> On Fri, 15 Feb. 2019, 7:03 am John Ziebro
> > We are planning on implementing Kafka to stream changes from a MariaDB as
> > well as a MS SQL Server database into an S3 bucket and
> > What are your suggestions for handling this scenario?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > John Z
On 2019-02-15 07:26:
Hi, Colin,
Thanks for running the release. Verified the quickstart for 2.12 binary. +1
from me.
On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 12:02 PM Colin McCabe wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is the third candidate for release of Apache Kafka 2.1.1. This
> release includes many bug fixes for Apache Kafka 2.1.
and a hearty congratulations on your recent win
welcome bill!
From: Ivan Ponomarev
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 5:25 AM
Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Committer: Bill Bejeck
Congratulations, Bill!
Hello all,
The PMC of Apache Kafka is happy to announce another new committer joining
the project today: we have invited Randall Hauch as a project committer and
he has accepted.
Randall has been participating in the Kafka community for the past 3 years,
and is well known as the founder of the De
Congrats Randall!
On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 9:16 PM Guozhang Wang wrote:
> Hello all,
> The PMC of Apache Kafka is happy to announce another new committer joining
> the project today: we have invited Randall Hauch as a project committer and
> he has accepted.
> Randall has been particip
> On Feb 15, 2019, at 10:16, Guozhang Wang wrote:
> Hello all,
> The PMC of Apache Kafka is happy to announce another new committer joining
> the project today: we have invited Randall Hauch as a project committer and
> he has accepted.
> Randall has been participating in the K
Congratulations Randall!
On Thu, Feb 14, 2019, 6:16 PM Guozhang Wang Hello all,
> The PMC of Apache Kafka is happy to announce another new committer joining
> the project today: we have invited Randall Hauch as a project committer and
> he has accepted.
> Randall has been participating in the
I have a kafka stream app that currently takes 3 topics and aggregates
them into a KTable. This app resides inside a microservice which has
been allocated 512 MB memory to work with. After implementing this,
I've noticed that the docker container running the microservice
eventually runs out of
Congrats Randall!
On Thu, Feb 14, 2019, 19:44 Ismael Juma wrote:
> Congratulations Randall!
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019, 6:16 PM Guozhang Wang
> > Hello all,
> >
> > The PMC of Apache Kafka is happy to announce another new committer
> joining
> > the project today: we have invited Randall Hauch as
Ran the quickstart against the 2.11 artifact and checked the release notes.
For some reason, KAFKA-7897 is not included in the notes, though I
definitely see it in the tagged version. The RC was probably created before
the JIRA was resolved. I think we can regenerate without another RC, so +1
Congrats, Randall! Well deserved!
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 14, 2019, at 6:16 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
> Hello all,
> The PMC of Apache Kafka is happy to announce another new committer joining
> the project today: we have invited Randall Hauch as a project committer and
> he has
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