Re: How to monitor Kafka offset

2015-07-10 Thread Anandh Kumar
Thanks Rahul for your reply On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 11:11 AM, Rahul Jain wrote: > Burrow works only if you are storing the offsets in kafka topic, not > zookeeper. You can also take a look at Kafka web console ( it has a memory > leak bug but a patch is available ). > On 10 Jul 2015 09:34, "Jian

Re: How to monitor Kafka offset

2015-07-10 Thread Adam Dubiel
We are using kafka offset monitor (, which we recently integrated with Graphite to add alerting and better graphing - it should be accessible in newest version, not yet released. It works only with ZK offsets though. 2015-07-10 9:24 GMT+02:00 Anandh Kumar

Is the new consumer API ready?

2015-07-10 Thread Simon Cooper
I'm updating the kafka APIs we use to the new standalone ones, but it look like the new consumer isn't ready yet (the code has got lots of placeholders etc), and there's only the producer in the Javadoc at Is there an ETA on when the new consumer

Using Kafka as a persistent store

2015-07-10 Thread Daniel Schierbeck
I'd like to use Kafka as a persistent store – sort of as an alternative to HDFS. The idea is that I'd load the data into various other systems in order to solve specific needs such as full-text search, analytics, indexing by various attributes, etc. I'd like to keep a single source of truth, howeve

Re: How to monitor Kafka offset

2015-07-10 Thread Anandh Kumar
Adam, Tried to config KafkaOffsetMonitor it is working fine. But how can we integrated with Graphite to add alerting ? can please explain in details and if you have any doc can you please provide? Thanks & Regards, -Anandh Kumar On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 12:58 PM, Adam Dubiel wrote: > We are u

Re: How to monitor Kafka offset

2015-07-10 Thread Adam Dubiel
As i mentioned earlier, this feature has not yet been released, but out pull-request has been approved by Quantifind. Here it is: If you would like to use it now, you would have to build Offset Monitor jar yourself using code from for

Re: Using Kafka as a persistent store

2015-07-10 Thread noah
I don't want to endorse this use of Kafka, but assuming you can give your message unique identifiers, I believe using log compaction will keep all unique messages forever. You can read about how consumer offsets stored in Kafka are managed using a compacted topic here:

Re: Using Kafka as a persistent store

2015-07-10 Thread Shayne S
There are two ways you can configure your topics, log compaction and with no cleaning. The choice depends on your use case. Are the records uniquely identifiable and will they receive updates? Then log compaction is the way to go. If they are truly read only, you can go without log compaction. We

Re: ISR not a replica

2015-07-10 Thread Krishna Kumar
So we think we have a process to fix this issue via ZooKeeper – If anyone has any thoughts, please let me know. First get the “state” from a good partition, to get the correct epochs: In /usr/local/zookeeper/ [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 4] get /brokers/topics/topic1/partitions/6/stat

Re: Launch Kafka/Zookeeper servers without using command line

2015-07-10 Thread Jeff Gong
To follow up and provide a little more context on my second bullet point, when I run any command for the first time on command line that requires connecting to this code instantiated ZK server I get the specific error: > bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181

Re: Leap Second Troubles

2015-07-10 Thread Christofer Hedbrandh
Todd, the Kafka problems started when one of three ZooKeeper nodes was restarted. On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Todd Palino wrote: > Did you hit the problems in the Kafka brokers and consumers during the > Zookeeper problem, or after you had already cleared it? > > For us, we decided to skip

Re: Launch Kafka/Zookeeper servers without using command line

2015-07-10 Thread Mayuresh Gharat
Hi Jeff, I haven't tried this out, but I am planning to. Just a quick question : We have TestHarness in Kafka that brings up Kafka and Zookeeper and also tears them down. Have you tried using it? Thanks, Mayuresh On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Jeff Gong wrote: > To follow up and provide a

Re: Launch Kafka/Zookeeper servers without using command line

2015-07-10 Thread Rad Gruchalski
Hi everyone, Same errors can be seen when using embedded kafka and embedded zookeeper in unit tests. They’re absolutely normal. As long as you see a successful connection, it’s all good! Kind regards,
 Radek Gruchalski (

Re: ISR not a replica

2015-07-10 Thread Guozhang Wang
Krish, If you only add a new broker (for example broker 3) into your cluster without doing anything else, this broker will not automatically get any topic-partitions migrated to itself, so I suspect there are at least some admin tools executed. The log exceptions you showed in the previous emails

Re: Is the new consumer API ready?

2015-07-10 Thread Guozhang Wang
Hi Simon, The API will be available in the next release, and which is planed in a month. At the meantime you could start trying it out from trunk if you want. Guozhang On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 1:24 AM, Simon Cooper <> wrote: > I'm updating the kafka APIs we use t

Re: ISR not a replica

2015-07-10 Thread Krishna Kumar
Yes, there were messages in the controller logs such as DEBUG [OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector]: No broker in ISR is alive for [topic1,2]. Pick the leader from the alive assigned replicas: (kafka.controller.OfflinePartitionLeaderSelector) ERROR [Partition state machine on Controller 0]: Error whil

Re: Leap Second Troubles

2015-07-10 Thread Todd Palino
OK, in that case then I'm thinking that you ran into issues that were a natural result of the Zookeeper ensemble having very high CPU usage. Unfortunate, but this would not be an unexpected situation when your ZK ensemble is having significant problems. -Todd On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Ch

Verify Kafka Broker Readineess

2015-07-10 Thread Pradeep Jawahar
Is there a definitive way to check if a kafka broker is up and ready to accept connections. Can I check some end point etc ? This can also be used when rolling restarts are done. Currently I look at logs or run some smoke tests by publishing/consuming some messages. Just wanted to reach out to the

Re: Using Kafka as a persistent store

2015-07-10 Thread Daniel Schierbeck
> On 10. jul. 2015, at 15.16, Shayne S wrote: > > There are two ways you can configure your topics, log compaction and with > no cleaning. The choice depends on your use case. Are the records uniquely > identifiable and will they receive updates? Then log compaction is the way > to go. If they a

Documentation example correction for per topic configs

2015-07-10 Thread Soumyajit Sahu
The Kafka documentation here ( mentions the following as an example: *> bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --topic my-topic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --config max.message.bytes=64000 --config flus

Re: Using Kafka as a persistent store

2015-07-10 Thread Jay Kreps
If I recall correctly, setting and log.retention.bytes to -1 disables both. On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Daniel Schierbeck <> wrote: > > > On 10. jul. 2015, at 15.16, Shayne S wrote: > > > > There are two ways you can configure your topics, log co

Re: Using Kafka as a persistent store

2015-07-10 Thread Rad Gruchalski
Hello all, This is a very interesting discussion. I’ve been thinking of a similar use case for Kafka over the last few days. The usual data workflow with Kafka is most likely something this: - ingest with Kafka - process with Storm / Samza / whathaveyou - put some processed data back on Kafk

Re: ISR not a replica

2015-07-10 Thread Guozhang Wang
OK, it seems your have a controller migration some time ago and the old controller (broker 0) did not de-register its listeners while its controller modules like "partition state machine" has been already shutdown. You can try to verify this through the active-controller metrics. If that is the ca

Kafka use case query

2015-07-10 Thread lrnop
Hello, We have a number of different scenarios within our company that we are considering Kafka for. There is one case in particular that has caused debate. The relevant characteristics are: - Very high throughput - 1000's of messages/second. - Very bursty traffic with unpredictable su

Basic question related to High level consumer

2015-07-10 Thread Sivananda Reddy
Hi, I am using high level consumer and for every 10 secs I see that consumerInstance exists the below while loop: ConsumerIterator it = stream.iterator(); CustomMessage customMessage; while(it.hasNext()) { customMessage = deSerializeObject(it.n

Kafka High Level Consumer Message Loss?

2015-07-10 Thread Allen Wang
We have two applications that consume all messages from one Kafka cluster. We found that the MessagesPerSec metric started to diverge after some time. One of them matches the MessagesInPerSec metric from the Kafka broker, while the other is lower than the broker metric and appears to have some mess