JMX on 0.8 is different than 0.7
Check out also
to go along with the doc explanation. Some sample maybe could get posted
somewhere for more clarity but it is a lot there per the docs. Always good to
see it liv
Thanks Joe, I've had a look through the metrics in the link you sent, but I
can't find the specific metrics that I listed below (NumFetchRequests,
TotalFetchRequestMs, MaxFetchRequestMs, NumProduceRequests,
TotalProduceRequestMs, MaxProduceRequestMs, TotalBytesRead and
TotalBytesWritten) or equival
Joe Stein
Founder, Principal Consultant
Big Data Open Source Security LLC
Twitter: @allthingshadoop
On Jan 14, 2014, at 6:5
I'm upgrading from version 0.7.2-incubating to 0.8.0, and I've noticed that
the JMX beans have changed considerably. I'm trying to find equivalent
values to the following (all were previously on kafka.SocketServerStats):
NumFetchRequests, TotalFetchRequestMs, MaxFetchRequestMs,