In 0.8, we use the metrics package to do the jmx beans and it supports a
csv reporter.
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 5:38 PM, S Ahmed wrote:
> Jun,
> Great list. I'm haven't really setup monitoring before, so for starters,
> what should I be researching in order to monitor those metr
Great list. I'm haven't really setup monitoring before, so for starters,
what should I be researching in order to monitor those metrics, are they
exposed via those yammer metrics library that can be exported to a csv
file, or are these jmx related items?
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 5:47 PM,
At LinkedIn, the most common failure of a Kafka broker is when we have to
deploy new Kafka code/config. Otherwise, the broker can be up for a long
time (e..g, months). It woud be good to monitor the following metrics at
the broker: log flush time/rate, produce/fetch requests/messages rate, GC