That definitely sounds pretty odd if no new logs are showing up on the
Streams side. This is just a guess, but is there any chance the source
topics aren't being found during startup? I was just reminded of a bug in
an old-ish version where Streams would gracefully shutdown but remain
in the REBALA
There are zero events on the stream in the case with the log files, I've
had the same behaviour when running with 6 events. Its constantly
reporting rebalancing but from a CPU perspective nothing appears to
actually be doing anything.
I've run it for several hours just to see if something happene
Hey steve,
I guess the first question I have is, is the consumer group actually
or does KafkaStreams just appear to be "stuck" in the REBALANCING state? If
this application has been run before and there is a large amount of data in
changelog topics, it might take a while to rebuild
Just an addition to this in case someone can help, I'm seeing zero thread
activity in the rebalancing but I'm also not seeing anything being logged
by Kafka to indicate its doing anything on rebalancing (Logging level set
to ALL), producer and consumer code works fine but streams just appears to
When running an application on the Mac it works fine, when running exactly
the same app and config on the Raspberry Pi it constantly says it is
"Rebalancing" the streams
2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO
org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser$AppInfo Kafka version:
''2020-08-31 12:47:11 INFO