ch is true by default and
> num.partitions
> which is 1 by default.
> They are both configuration parameters for the broker.
> Thanks
> Paolo
> Get Outlook for Android<>
> From: Dan Rosanova
> Sent: Tue
ly, 20:39
Subject: RE: Create a Topic if Not Exists
Hi Chinchu, I thought the default behavior of Kafka was to create topics if you
send to them and they don't exist. I could be wrong. We had to support that in
one of our products, so I am pretty sure that's
Hi Chinchu,
I thought the default behavior of Kafka was to create topics if you send to
them and they don't exist. I could be wrong. We had to support that in one of
our products, so I am pretty sure that's the default. You do need to be mindful
of the default partition count though, which I thi