No, in all test I used two partitions per topic, one per broker. The
only variable in the test was number of topics. From what I've read what
really affects performance is total number of partitions per broker
(probably including replicas), so 1 topic with 1000 partitions should
pretty much
We did similar testing recently, newbie here, assuming you did async
publisher, did you also test with multiple partitions (1-1000) per topic as
well. More topics, implies more metadata per topic exchanged every minute,
more batches maintained and flushed per topic+partition per producer so
I have been testing Kafka in order to determine how does number of partitions
affects performance. In order to do that, I have set up 2 Kafka nodes and 1
Zookeeper nodes, and used 8 producers running on different machines to send
First, my producers were sending messages to broker