This reassign partition for how many topics ? I have seen some time when
there is a reassign of partition for too many topic then it takes a long time
but feels as if its stuck.
ThanksRajesh Adhikari
On Thursday, September 19, 2019, 01:46:43 PM PDT, Devin Kramer
Resolution t
Resolution to this issue was to restart the broker which was the active
controller so that that role move to a new broker. Not clear why the
existing active controller was no longer getting re-assignment updates from
the zookeeper quorum.
On Wed, Jul 10, 2019 at 5:43 PM Devin Kramer
> W
We have a situation on one of our clusters where when we run a partition
reassignment using /usr/local/kafka/bin/ we see
the reassignment data published to the zookeeper in
/admin/reassign_partitions and all partitions requests show in progress but
the brokers do not app