If i am not wrong, the auto commit might have happened so, when you start
the consumer it should work fine. Also keep it in mind that Kafka works on
at least one delivery model so we should expect redundant message while
restarting the consumer.
On Oct 2, 2015 4:06 AM, "eugene miretsky" wrote:
We would like to log the offset of a Kafka message if we fail to process it
(so we can try to re-process it later). Is it possible to get the offset
using the high level consumer?
I took a quick look at the code, and:
- It seems like the offset it private in the current Scala consumer
The other option is jmx bean that exposes the lag. Also Kafka provides at
least once guarantees so even if your consumer lags occasionally, you will
eventually receive all mesaages. You need to provision enough consumers so
that they don't fall behind.
On May 23, 2013 5:30 AM, "arathi
Hi Neha,
Thanks for the quick reply. Could you tell me if there is some way of
determining the offset for a consumer from a high level Java consumer class
apart from ConsumerOffsetChecker tool? This tool can be run only from the
command line. Is it possible to use this in a Java class?
I write st
You can run the ConsumerOffsetChecker tool that ships with Kafka.
On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 2:02 PM, arathi maddula wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you tell me how to find the offset in a high level Java consumer ?
> Thanks
> Arathi
Could you tell me how to find the offset in a high level Java consumer ?