The following code indicates that you want to use "encode" as the key
associated with the message. Is that your intend? If so, you need to
specify StringEncoder as the "key.serializer.class". Otherwise, use the api
that doesn't specify the key.
val producerData = new KeyedMessage[String,
Can anybody please help with this issue indicated below. I have not heard
from anyone with a solution.
Thanks in advance
On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 11:35 PM, prashant amar wrote:
> Hello,
> Specified below is my code base where I am attempting to marshall a
> complex type and receiving the
Specified below is my code base where I am attempting to marshall a complex
type and receiving the follow error.
Am I missing anything here?
Sending Encoded Messages ..
[error] (run-main) java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be
cast to com.test.groups.MemberRecord
I noticed that ProducerData has been removed in 0.8 branch
If I'd wish to send a complex message type (encoded message) ,
how would I do it in 0.8?
In 0.7.X (a snippet from Neha's example)
val producer = new Producer[Message, MemberRecord](config);
// send a single message
val mes