Yes, it is pretty coarse. I have a pull request open for supporting
overriding those settings at the connector level, I'm just waiting for it
to be pulled.
So, if any committers are interested in reviewing/pulling it for me, that
would be great :)
On Wed
Thank you Stephen! That's a very coarse setting, as you note, since it's
at the worker level, but I'll take it.
On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 8:07 PM Stephen Durfey wrote:
> Producer and consumer overrides used by the connect worker can be
> overridden by prefixing the specific kafka config w
Producer and consumer overrides used by the connect worker can be
overridden by prefixing the specific kafka config with either 'producer.'
or 'consumer.'. So, you should be able to set
'' in your worker config to do that.
Is it possible to start a kafka connect instance that reads from the
*latest* offset as opposed to the earliest? I suppose this would be the
equivalent of passing auto.offset.reset=earliest to a kafka consumer.
More generally, is this something that specific implementations of the
kafka connect A