I just realized that this thread got somehow dropped... Sorry for that.
If you use KTable, each update to RocksDB is also written into a
changelog topic (for fault-tolerance and rebalancing). The changelog
topic is a *compacted topic*, thus, it is guaranteed that the latest
value for each key
Thanks for the information, very useful.
Finally, I have two KStream. I use aggregateByKey for one of them to get a
(I've assumed that we'll receive this source first),
thus I can join the result with the other KStream by key using
KStream-KTable join.
Now, I'm trying to understand the state sto
Also, another upcoming feature is (slightly simplified description follows)
"global" state/KTable. Today, a KTable is always partitioned/sharded. One
advantage of global state/tables will be for use cases where you need to
perform non-key joins, similar to what Guillermo described previously in
currently, in DSL only primary-key joins are supported. However in you
case, you have a non-primary-key join. There is already a JIRA to add
support for this: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3705
Currently, you will need to use Processor API. For the non-time-based
input (if not t
Hi Matthias,
Good question... the main problem is related with the kind of my data. The
first source of data is time based and the second one not but both have a
field with the same value (I don't know how to use it in the join without
being key. It can't, let me explain why):
ObjectX (sameValue,
are you sure, you want to join everything? This will result in a huge
memory footprint of your application. You are right, that you cannot use
KTable, however, windowed KStream joins would work -- you only need to
specify a huge window (ie, use Long.MAX_VALUE; this will effectively be
I've been thinking how to solve with Kafka Streams one of my business
process without success for the moment. Hope someone can help me.
I am reading from two topics events like that (I'll simplify the problem at
this point):
Key: String
Value: String
Key: String
Value: Strin