If one machine crashes is there anything I can do to make sure those 3
partitions are still read from?
If all those consumers are part of the same group, nothing. It will
automatically rebalance to consume the partitions that were consumed by the
failed client.
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013
> Will the topics be distributed across both machines or will it still be all
> read from the first process that spawned up the 9 threads?
> It will read from the first process that spawned 9 threads.
I should have actually asked the opposite of this. Say I have a consumer
running 3 threads on
Will the topics be distributed across both machines or will it still be all
read from the first process that spawned up the 9 threads?
It will read from the first process that spawned 9 threads.
In general, is it better to have 1 machine running 9 threads to read all
partitions or 9 machines runn
This is in regards to consumer group consumption in 0.7.2.
Say we have 3 machines with 3 partitions in each topic totaling 9 partitions.
Now if I create a consumer group with 9 threads on the same machine then all
partitions will be read from. Now what happens if I start another 9 threads on