TLS certificate error with PEM AND KAFKA

2021-11-24 Thread sai chandra mouli
o message me. Hoping for a solution..Thank you for your time Regards, Sai Chandra Mouli T [2021-11-25 10:28:11,732] INFO Registered kafka:type=kafka.Log4jController MBean (kafka.utils.Log4jControllerRegistration$) [2021-11-25 10:28:12,042] INFO Setting -D jdk.tls.rejectClientInitiatedRenegotiat

Accessing TLS certs and keys from Vault into Kafka

2021-11-18 Thread sai chandra mouli
e the vault or additionally in the server. Does the KIP 519 and related provide any help in this case? If not, any suggestions on how I can achieve this? Thank you for your time. Regards, Sai chandra mouli

RE: Re: Accessing TLS certs and keys from Vault into Kafka

2021-11-18 Thread sai chandra mouli
kafka? Or is there any apache version of ldaphandler jar available with kafka? I read that only the confluent enterprise version comes with required classes for ldap implementation. Thank you. Regards, Sai chandra mouli On 2021/11/18 09:57:51 Rajini Sivaram wrote: > You can add a Vault prov

Accessing TLS certs and keys from Vault into Kafka

2021-11-18 Thread sai chandra mouli
e the vault or additionally in the server. Does the KIP 519 and related provide any help in this case? If not, any suggestions on how I can achieve this? Thank you for your time. Regards, Sai chandra mouli