Kafka and Zookeeper FIPS SASL connection

2022-11-14 Thread lk gen
Hi, In my environment I have configured FIPS java, Zookeeper to work with SASL and a Kafka broker to connect to Zookeeper with SASL I noticed that if FIPS is enabled, kafka cannot connect and there is an error "ERROR SASL authentication with Zookeeper Quorum member failed. (org.apache.zooke

Default value of fetch.max.wait.ms and CPU usage

2021-01-10 Thread lk gen
Hi, I noticed that the default value for consumer config property fetch.max.wait.ms is 500 ms This causes attempts to connect to kafka every 500ms even when there is no data, this can affect the CPU usage if many different services are connecting to Kafka from the same machine, even if there