Producer only send the "required_ack=all/1/0" in the request to the
partition leader.
Leader is responsible to make sure required_ack is fulfilled, then it ack
to client as producing succeeded.
On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 5:23 PM yonghua wrote:
> Hello,
> I am seeing this doc:
This is because of Kafka consumer's fetch model -- a consumer can
completely control how the committed offset moves, even resetting them
Under these circumstances, MessagesOutPerSec is meaningless.
On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 11:38 AM 张祥 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am wondering why there isn't a m
We have an in-house Kafka cluster and it only exposes the Kafka endpoint
(9092) but no Zookeeper endpoint (2181).
I wonder if there is a way to change the topic config via the Kafka port
rather than zookeeper port?
According to Kafka's replication mechanism, when a unclean leader election
happened (suppose unclean.leader.election=true), there are possibilities
that replicas of the same partition are inconsistent, i.e. on a certain
offset records store different contents.
IIUC, Kafka will override one ve
We are using Kafka Streams with exactly-once enabled on a Kafka cluster for
a while.
Recently we found that the size of __consumer_offsets partitions grew huge.
Some partition went over 30G. This caused Kafka to take quite long to load
"__consumer_offsets" topic on startup (it loads the topic
We recently saw a split-brain behavior happened in production.
There were a controller switch, and then unclean leader elections.
It led to 24 partitions (out of 70) had 2 leaders for 2 days until I
restarted the broker. Producers and consumers were talking to different
"leaders" so the recor
Hi Kafka users,
Recently I've been following to configure SSL
connections between Kafka and Filebeat (using Sarama library).
Basically the doc works perfectly for what is tested against - SSL between
Kafka and Kafka-console-producer/consumer. H