Kafka broker restart is taking more than 1 hr to complete

2017-07-30 Thread Vinod KC
Hi , Our business use case requires to keep all kafka logs in topics for ever and based on suggestion provided in http://grokbase.com/t/kafka/users/152ws9gbvx/unlimited-log-retention ,we have set log.retention.hours=2147483647" (245,146 years) We have around 45 TB data in 3 nodes kafka 0

Re: Kafka won't take messages

2017-04-17 Thread Vinod KC
Can you check the value of ‘listeners’ in server.properties ? Eg: listeners=PLAINTEXT://: Ensure the port you are connecting is correct On 4/17/17, 4:34 PM, "Adaryl Wakefield" wrote: [2017-04-17 07:03:20,183] ERROR Error when sending message to topic test_topic with key: null, value: 22 by