Hi Ravi,
a very basic config we are using with kafka 0.10 and kafka release in
Process to start:
JAVA_HOME=/opt/java /opt/kafka/bin/kafka-mirror-maker.sh --new.consumer
--consumer.config /opt/kafka/config/consumer.properties --producer.config
/opt/kafka/config/producer.properties -
I would suggest trying a recent java version first, if I read about this one:
Robert Schumann | Lead DevOps Engineer | mobile.de GmbH
T: + 49. 30. 8109. 7219
M: +49.151. 5504. 8246
F: +49. 30. 8109.
Hi all,
we are facing an issue with latest kafka 0.10.1 and the log cleaner thread with
regards to the timeindex files. From the log of the log-cleaner we see after
startup that it tries to cleanup a topic called xdc_listing-status-v2 [1]. The
topic is setup with log compaction [2] and the kafk