What I want to detect is if these three events happen in 24 hours together;
the order isn't essential.
>From what I read, using windowing with Hopping (advance of like 3 seconds)
would work. I'm just not sure how the query in KSQL would look.
-Richard L. Burton III
For your first question, no you can use the avro API.
On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 2:29 PM Debasish Ghosh
> Hi -
> I am using Avro Serialization in a Kafka Streams application through the
> following dependency ..
> "io.confluent" % "kafka-avro-serializer" % "3.2.2"
> My question is :
What I'm seeing is the consumer sometimes doesn't read the first message.
There are times when it does as well.
Any clues what might cause it?
ay 2, 2016, at 8:48 PM, Dana Powers wrote:
> >
> > It means there was a consumer group rebalance that this consumer missed.
> > You may be spending too much time in msg processing between poll() calls.
> >
> > -Dana
-Richard L. Burton III
I'm using Camel to pull from Kafka via
Does anyone have any insight to what might be wrong? It's causing my
consumer to reconnect and reprocess all of the messages again.
-Richard L. Burton III
ate a thread with a new instance of KafkaConsumer used in it.
- Ensure the group id for that consumer is unique
- Ensure only one consumer for each topic is running to avoid
-Richard L. Burton III