to the same partition.
> If messages are published with a “null” key then they will be spread out
> round robin across all partitions (which is what you have done).
> Conclusion
> You will see ordered delivery if your either use a key when you publish or
> crea
you create a topic with one partition they will be in order.
> Alternatively if you publish with the same key for every message they will
> be in the same order even if your topic has more than 1 partition.
> Either way above will work for Kafka.
> -hans
> > On May
I just started learning Kafka and have the environment setup on my
hortonworks sandbox at home vmware.
test.csv is what I want the producer to send out:
more test1.csv ./ --broker-list --topic kafka-topic2
1, abc
2, def
8, vwx
> Try to use --packages to include the jars. From error it seems it's
> looking for main class in jars but u r running a python script...
> On 25 Feb 2017 10:36 pm, "Raymond Xie" wrote:
> That's right Anahita, however, the class name is
PM, Anahita Talebi
> You're welcome.
> You need to specify the class. I meant like that:
> spark-submit /usr/hdp/
> 0-1245-hadoop2. --class "give the name of the class"
ed it by removing --jars.
> Cheers,
> Anahita
> On Saturday, February 25, 2017, Raymond Xie wrote:
>> I am doing a spark streaming on a hortonworks sandbox and am stuck here
>> now, can anyone tell me what's wrong with the following code and the
>> except
I am doing a spark streaming on a hortonworks sandbox and am stuck here
now, can anyone tell me what's wrong with the following code and the
exception it causes and how do I fix it? Thank you very much in advance.
spark-submit --jars
I am new to Kafka.
I am wondering how to read log using kafka and get it parsed in spark.
Please correct me if I am wrong:
I want to create a model (pipeline) which takes files dropped in a specific
folder or hive or whatever storage, and use the file as the input of kafka
On t