Normally I know that each consumer group has a current offset for each
partition it consumes, and when we delete a group, its current offsets are
deleted with it, and when we (re)create the consumer group again, it will
have no current offsets (meaning it will go from offset 0 or offset late
Hi, what is suggested way to emit lag into Prometheus? Is there a Kafka
Streams job for it? Is Burrow or Kafka Lag Exporter?
Emitting lag from the consumer is not a great option of course, so looking
at independent jobs that emit lag.
Do you know any? Thank you
Hi guys, in case of KTable with KTable joins, is co-location a requirement?
Do the 2 topics need to have the same number of partitions?
Thank you,
Thank you very much,
Thank you,
Nicolae Marasoiu
Scala Engineer
Orion, OVO Group
perhaps need to emit a
tombstone message (is there such a thing?) so that the “record” is
effectively / logically deleted from the current state compacted log
What would be the manner to achieve this using kafka-streams?
Thank you,
Thank you,
Nicolae Marasoiu
Scala Engineer
Orion, OVO Group
d enhanced discoverability of resources, data and services along
some similar properties like entity types, flows, etc?
Please ask me, I think it is still potentially fuzzy,
Thank you very much,
Nicolae Marasoiu
Thank you,
Nicolae Marasoiu
Scala Engineer
Orion, OVO Group
In fact an import was missing. It works now:
import org.apache.kafka.streams.Topology
import org.apache.kafka.streams.scala.ImplicitConversions._
import org.apache.kafka.streams.scala.Serdes._
On Thu, 9 Apr 2020 at 11:49, Nicolae Marasoiu <
nicolae.maras...@ovoenergy.com> wrote:
For more (up to date) details:
Thank you very much,
Thank you,
Nicolae Marasoiu
Scala Engineer
Orion, OVO Group
gt;when the brokers are up again, sends will succeed again. There is no need
>to close the producer in between. Is that not what you are seeing?
>On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Nicolae Marasoiu
>> Hi,
>> We have a
We have a blocking async producer.
We noticed:
1. when the metadata brokers are down, the client no longer attempts to
reconnect to any of them.
2. zookeeper.connect is no longer recognized as a valid configuration,
hinting that in fact the zookeeper balancing is no longer supported on
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