o you see any issue here?Thanks a lot.
2017-04-18 13:14 GMT+02:00 Eno Thereska :
> Hi Marco,
> I noticed your window is 1 second width, not 1 minute width. Is that
> intentional?
> Thanks
> Eno
> On 17 Apr 2017, at 19:41, Marco Abitabile
> wrote:
45 GMT+02:00 Eno Thereska :
> Hi Marco,
> Could you share a bit of your code, or at a minimum provide some info on:
> - is userActivitiesStream and geoDataStream a KStream of KTable?
> - what is the length of "timewindow"?
> Thanks
> Eno
> > On 16 A
Hi All!
I need a little hint to understand how join works, in regards of stream
This mail is a bit long, I need to explain the issue I'm facing.
*TL-TR: *
it seems that join synchonization between stream is not respected as
explained here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/dis
Hi All!
I need a little hint to understand how join works, in regards of stream
This mail is a bit long, I need to explain the issue I'm facing.
*TL-TR: *
it seems that join synchonization between stream is not respected as
explained here:
Hi all,
I'm struggling with an apparently simple problem.
I'm joining 2 different streams:
Stream1. User activity data, with key, value -->
Stream2. User location data (such as the city name) with key, value -->
Keys are homogeneous in content and represents the id of the user's device.
ur call to aggregate, pass in the sessionStore created above,
> i.e.,
> aggregate(
> MySession::new,
> MySession::aggregateSessions,
> MySession::mergeSessions,
> SessionWindows
> mySessionSerde,
> sessionStore
s is completely driven by the data and specifically the time
> extracted from the data. I'm not sure if you can provide a sample of the
> data going through the system? It might be helpful in trying to debug the
> issue. (I'm not seeing anything obvious in the code).
I'm playing around with the brand new SessionWindows. I have a simple
topology such as:
KStream sess =
builder.stream(stringSerde, jsonSerde, SOURCE_TOPIC);
.groupByKey(stringSerde, jsonSerde)
I apologies with Matthias since I posted yesterday this issue on the wrong
place on github :(
I'm trying a simple use case of session windowing. TimeWindows works
perfectly, however as I replace with SessionWindows, this exception is
Exception in thread "StreamThread-1"