created in the given hdfs path, we tried sending both
json as well as protobuf files through kafka.
Please help if anyone has any idea on loading protobuf files into hadoop.
Chitra Raveendran
Data Scientist
*Flutura Decision Sciences & Analytics*
> Generally if your replication factor is more than 1 you shouldn't see data
> loss in your test. When a broker fails, the producer will get an exception
> and it will retry.
> Thanks,
> Neha
> On May 16
configs on the consumer (fetch.min.bytes,
> ).
> The defaults for these configs are already tuned for low latency though.
> Thanks,
> Neha
> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Chitra Raveendran <
>> wrote:
transmitted without any delay at all.
What should I do to achieve this ? Just specifying appropriate broker.list
for each producer , is enough?
Chitra Raveendran
email :
I was just doing some benchmarking with a 3node cluster. If one broker goes
down , what happens? Does the producer go down ? that's what happened in my
Is the data lost? Or does it get distributed amongst the other brokers?
Chitra Raveendran
Data Scientist
*Flutura | Dec
parate broker.list.
> Thanks,
> Neha
> On May 14, 2013 5:28 AM, "Andrea Gazzarini"
> wrote:
> > Of course...what is the problem? Or maybe you're missing some other
> > constraint?
> >
> > On 05/14/2013 02:20 PM, Chitra Raveendran wro
Can there be 2 producers in the same server, both sending their own
separate topics to separate broker systems?
Chitra Raveendran
Data Scientist
*Flutura Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd*
email :