ggregation is pretty
> > much isomorphic
> > to one with just a regular aggregation.
> >
> > Can you create a JIRA ticket for this and include your observations +
> link
> > to the example?
> > It's definitely a bug, and we'll need to look into this
ithout ever reaching many partitions are on the input
> topics? Are you
> sure the input topics have been pre-created before starting the app, with
> the correct
> names, etc?
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 10:29 AM Alex Jablonski <
> ajablon...@thoughtworks.
organize the particular flow in the toy
example, but is there something fundamentally wrong with the approach laid
out in that application that would cause Streams to be stuck in
REBALANCING? I'd appreciate any advice folks could give!
Alex Jablonski