Hi Alexander,
I’m sorry to hear that. It certainly sounds like a hard one to debug.
To clarify, do you mean that when you observe this problem, the sink node is
not in the topology at all, or that it is in the topology, but does not
function properly?
Also, are you using Spring to construct t
Good morning,
we are using for our product (Fare Collection System Ticketing) Apache Kafka
One of task is update logging from version1 to version2.
Based on this link inf
Hi Pushkar,
Thanks for the question. I think that what’s happening is that, even though
both branches use the same grouping logic, Streams can’t detect that they are
the same. It just sees two group-bys and therefore introduces two repartitions,
with a separate downstream task for each.
You mi
I am trying to set up active <> active mm2 via Kafka connect distributed
cluster. It seems not possible because of the limitations like
*bootstrap.servers *property.
And also as per this KIP
Hi All,
I have a stream application that creates 2 branches. Each branch includes
a state store where the status field of the kafka message determines the
branch, and therefore the state store used:
Status OPEN = State store name totals
Status CLOSED = State store name records
I’m seeing tha